Class Dismissed Podcast

Class Dismissed Podcast

Steps to humanize your classroom from a distance

August 19, 2020

When it comes to education in the Fall of 2020, it's clear that little will be uniform. Some schools are trying to open in person, some elected for the hybrid model, and others will be 100% remote.

Last spring, in record time, teachers all over the world quickly put together distance learning curriculums to much success. However, there's always room for improvement.  and this fall, educators have a little extra time to prepare.

One major challenge in teaching remotely is building connections with your students. How do you get a student to trust and believe in you as a teacher? Michigan teacher and author, Dave Stuart Jr., has been focused on just that.

In Episode 163 of Class Dismissed, Stuart offers some best practices to:

* Cultivate our human presence
* Identify high opportunity students
* Be warm demanders

To hear about these ideas, listen to Episode 163 of Class Dismissed on your favorite podcast app or iTunes.

Stuart also offers a Rough Draft Example of a Humanizing Intro Video for an Online Course, which can be viewed below.

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