Class Dismissed Podcast

Class Dismissed Podcast

Priority #1: During the coronavirus shutdown, relationships come first

April 07, 2020

A parade for students during COVID-19
For Principal Kristina Pollard, success with students both before and during the COVID-19 shutdown has always revolved around relationships. So when she and her colleagues considered having a parade for their students the decision was a no-brainer.

On Wednesday, April 1st she and her teacher's from the Forrest County School District put signs on their vehicles and fell in line behind a school bus that was running food delivery to students scattered throughout the district.

The teachers honked horns and stood up through their sunroofs and shouted "we love you" to the students that were lining the streets.

"When the students realized their teachers were in those cars, oh it just melted my heart,"

Pollard says students were jumping up and down and waiving and the parents were just as grateful. Teachers were shouting we love you and we miss you and parents were saying back we love you too.

"They were just so grateful because we put smiles on little one's faces," says Pollard. "We felt like we were some sort of healing power."

Pollard says the parade was a relationship booster with the students and it got teachers out of the house.
How to parade safely during coronavirus
Pollard says teachers were asked to pull up in the school parking lot 10 minutes before the school's food delivery was about to run.  As a safety precaution, teachers were required to stay in their vehicles.

Some of the educators had spouses or family members drive for them. This allowed teachers to wave from their vehicles without being distracted.

The message of safety was also passed on to the students. Signs read "keep calm and stay safe," "we are social distancing," and "we are disinfecting."

The event soothed the minds and hearts of the teachers because they could see their colleagues and know that everyone was ok.

"Anything we can do that's safe, healthy, and within our governor's guidelines, we're going to try it," says Pollard.

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