Class Dismissed Podcast

Class Dismissed Podcast

What is Decision Education and are you teaching it?

September 24, 2019

Most educators will agree that school is more than just teaching academics. It’s about teaching life lessons that prepare our children for the future. 

In fact, we all make thousands of decisions a day. So shouldn't we begin teaching the psychology of decision making to our students?

Our guest on Episode 119 of Class Dismissed is a former high school English teacher and the Senior Educational Content Designer for the Alliance for Decision Education. Jillian Hardgrove says they're trying to help students recognize the need to make a decision, as well as develop skillful processes that are involved in making a decision.

"We have the attitude that it's better to learn these things when you're young and you have the opportunities to practice them, rather than waiting for something negative to happen," says Hardgrove.

Hardgrove and her colleagues at the Alliance for Decision Education offer a few different programs and resources to educators.


When students dream about their careers and life goals, it’s important they understand how habits can turn their dreams into reality or simply get in the way. HabitWise helps middle and high school students achieve their goals by teaching them how to create and track beneficial habits and crush problematic habits.

Mindful Choices

Mindful Choices is a Social and Emotional Learning program that helps students manage stress and anxiety, increase self-control, and sustain attention.

To learn more about Decision Education listen to Episode 119 of the Class Dismissed Podcast on iTunes or your favorite podcasting app.

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