Class Dismissed Podcast

Class Dismissed Podcast

Ep. 32: Professional Development Gone Rogue - Class Dismissed

January 04, 2018

Rich Czyz knows that some school districts struggle to provide meaningful professional development.

"It could be a time thing. It could be that they [administrations] are not up to date on whatever is happening in education."

Czyz says that consequently, teachers can find themselves stuck in staff meetings that end up being just a list of directives and policies.

This was part of Czyz's motivation to write "The 4 O'clock Faculty: A Rogue Guide to Revolutionizing Professional Development."

The whole idea of "Rogue" is the idea being that if you're not getting what you need, maybe you need to go out on your own.

"Maybe you need to start a weekly group that's going to discuss a blog post that you found online."

In Episode 32 Czyz tells how educators can have a grassroots movement to change the culture of professional development at their school.

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