Class Dismissed Podcast

Class Dismissed Podcast

Ep. 29: Flipgrid Fever - Class Dismissed

December 13, 2017

Flipgrid is a video discussion tool that educators are integrating into classrooms around the world. The concept is relatively simple.  A teacher creates a grid, inserts a topic and then students respond with short videos.
Joey Taralson, Flidgrid's Head of Engagement says educators are using it for a wide range of subjects like math, book reviews, and historical reenactments, "It provides an avenue for the more introverted students to have their ideas and their reflections represented, right alongside the more extroverted students."

The Minnesota based company has experienced explosive growth in 2017. Taralson says the company is now adding about 40,000 new users a month.

Educators on Twitter are Flipgrids best ambassadors, and teachers often share how they're using a Flipgrid using the #flipgridfever hashtag.

This is why I @Flipgrid! Every student really does have a voice! Even the ones who are shy and nervous on camera! #StudentVoice #FlipgridFever #TheWildcatWay
— Askia Jackson (@AJacksonRHES) December 13, 2017

Wrapped up our week analyzing political cartoons with @Flipgrid #rprd #flipgridfever @ramaypride1
— Leah Rose (@leahkay33) December 8, 2017

To learn more about Flipgrid listen to our conversation with Taralson in Episode 29.

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