Class Dismissed Podcast

Class Dismissed Podcast

Ep. 22: Schools can save millions using open textbooks - Class Dismissed

October 25, 2017

Each year public schools are spending millions on copyright protected textbooks. But now that we live in a digitally dominated world there may be a better way. School districts around the world are currently exploring Open Education Resources (OER), and the results can be drastic.
When states use open education resources correctly, they can experience better educational tools at a lower cost.

Our guest is the Director of Open Education with Creative Commons.

Cable Green has over 20 years of experience in academic technology and online learning, and he’s a leading advocate for open licensing policies.

In this episode, Green explains that the many states are spending millions of dollars on textbooks that are sometimes six to ten years out of date.

"The United States, just in K-12 spends somewhere between $6 and $9 billion a year on textbooks and other curriculum," says Green.

It doesn't have to be this way. With educational resources from the past decade originating in a digital format all that information can be stored, copied, and distributed for minimal cost.

Green believes by informing school districts about open educational resources; districts can spend a lot less money and get a lot better results.

Hear Green explain how Open Educational Resources (OER) can change your school district by listening to Episode 22.

This interview with Cable Green is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License