Class Dismissed Podcast

Class Dismissed Podcast

Ep 13:The Disillusionment Phase - Class Dismissed

August 24, 2017

Every school year, sometime in October or November, thousands of new teachers hit a wall.  They're sleep deprived, they've made a few mistakes, and they start to question whether or not they picked the right career.  It's known as the disillusionment phase.

Roxanna Elden knows about the disillusionment phase because she lived it.

"I had to pull over into a Burger King parking lot, and I cried for a few hours.  I couldn't get back on the road. Even now I still get emotional thinking about that day."

As a result, she wrote a book about her challenges with the hopes of inspiring other teachers to push through the hidden challenges educators face. "See Me After Class: Advice for Teachers By Teachers" is the book that deals head-on with the problems that are not necessarily covered in new-teacher training manual.

Elden says her book is not Chicken Soup for the Teachers Soul.  It's Liquor for the Teachers Soul, and she has some tips for us in Episode 13.

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