Class Dismissed Podcast

Class Dismissed Podcast

Ep. 08: The Three-Diminsional Gift - Class Dismissed

July 19, 2017

“3D Printing”
This week we have special guest Jayda Pugliese, Ms. Pugliese fought to get a 3D printer for her classroom and what she did with it is extraordinary.

Due to the work of Pugliese and her students, a 4-year-old girl now has a prosthetic hand.  Pugliese and her 5th graders at Andrew Jackson Elementary in Philadelphia, PA took on the ambitious task of designing the prosthetic hand because insurance companies often don't cover the cost of prosthetics for growing children.
Finnish Kindergarten
Kindergarteners in Finland are focused on playtime, Does that mean the United States is pushing their Kindergartners to hard?
The Secret Code
Teaching kids the language of coding is often applauded in the classroom, but a recent New York Times article is crying foul.  What does SchoolStatus software developer Russ Davis think?
The Curse
Sometimes we do not remember what it is like to not know what we are trying to teach. It's known as the curse of knowledge and it may be impeding on educators ability to teach their students.

The first step combatting it, is awareness.