Class Dismissed Podcast

Class Dismissed Podcast

Ep. 07: "HipHoponomics" - Class Dismissed

July 12, 2017


This week we have special guest Greg Caskey, Mr. Caskey is teaching his students economics through rap.  His curriculum is called HipHoponomics and he's gained some notoriety from a well known economist.

Digital dollars to the rescue? 

Silicon Valley billionaires are donating millions to help school districts, but can all that money make a dent? Russ breaks down some of the numbers and finds that throwing money at a problem is not always the solution.

Online Supply Swap

Back in Episode 5 we told you about a Teacher Supply Swap in Baltimore, in Episode 07 we'll update you on a similar service created by teacher, except this one is online and available to anyone.

Teacher Residencies 

We all know that physicians have to complete a residency, but what if the same applied to teachers. Some educators think it's the right thing to do, but will it work?