Class Unity
PoliEdPod 1: Marx and Political Economy (Introduction to Class Unity #1)
Welcome to Class Unity’s Political Education Podcast. This is a new series which we are running on the stream in parallel to other Class Unity programing that you might already be familiar with, such as our “Transmissions” podcast. The goal of our new series is to present material from our Political Education Committee’s ongoing education activity. The Committee organizes events, study groups, and courses to promote popular education on topics such as political economy, Marxian theory, capitalism, and socialism.
Our hope in posting these recordings is to allow listeners to gain some insight into what Class Unity Political Education courses are like. We also hope to build over time a repository of such recordings, to serve as a resource for those who might be reading the material on their own, or simply for those times when someone might be taking a course and be unable to make it to one of the sessions.
In our “Introduction to Class Unity” course, members address important aspects of Marx’s explanation of capitalist society in his “Wage Labor and Capital,” along with a number of other important essays.
In this inaugural episode we present a recording of a discussion which took place during one of our recent sessions, focusing on the first two meetings of our “Introduction to Class Unity” syllabus.
Joining us for this session are members Thaddeus, Daniel, and Eric S. You’ll also hear from Scott, who is not a member but who is just taking part just because he is interested in the material).
If you are interested in joining one of our sessions in the future, we encourage you to follow our Twitter account @ClassUnityDSA. You can also check out the show notes for this episode, where you will find links to a menu of our Education Series offerings, along with a schedule and reading list for the “Introduction to Class Unity” series during which this episode was recorded.
Class Unity Political Education programing is all available for free. So join us to take part in the discussion. All are welcome!