Class Unity

Latest Episodes
Transmissions Ep. 16: Election Autopsy 2024
Class Unity members cover the reaction of the Democratic Party to Kamala Harris loss and discuss what we can expect in Donald Trumps next presidency.
Transmissions Ep. 15: Elections Special 2024
Class Unity members discuss the upcoming U.S. presidential elections, the state of the U.S. politics and the economy, and how they relate to global geopolitical developments.
PoliEdPod12: Geopolitical Economy (w/ Radhika Desai)
Radhika Desai talks with Class Unity about geopolitical economy, imperialism, realism, the state of the left, and and dollar hegemony. She is the author of Geopolitical Economy: After US Hegemony, Gl
PoliEdPod 11: American Imperialism & “Democracy Promotion” (w/ Ben Thomason)
In this episode, Jamal, Heph and Daniel speak to Ben Thomason, an expert on American culture and politics, on so-called democracy promotion, and the way in which the US uses media and civil society
PoliEdPod 10: The Cargo Cult of Woke (w/ Christian Parenti)
Christian Parenti talks with Class Unity about the compatible left, so-called Wokeness, contemporary politics, and institutions like the CIA. Parenti is the author of Radical Hamilton (2020) and
PoliEdPod 9: Michael Heinrich on Reading Marx
Michael Heinrich talks to Class Unity about Marxs Capital, Politics, and the contemporary Left.
Transmissions Ep. 14: George Galloway, the Workers Party, and Joti Brar
Welcome to Transmissions Episode 14! In this episode, Jamal, Heph, and Daniel discuss the recent political victory of George Galloway, the Workers Party, andJoti Brar on Class Unity, and the prospe
PoliEdPod 8: Beyond the Duopoly? Parties, Unions, and Labor (w/ Catherine Liu)
Welcome to Episode 8 or CUs PoliEdPod series! In this episode, Catherine Liu joins us for a discussion of recent debates about the relation between Republican and Democratic parties and labor. For ba
PoliEdPod 7: The Cost of Living Crisis and the State of Capitalism (w/ Costas Lapavitsas)
One of the worlds leading Marxist economists talks to us about the recent problems of inflation, class politics, and the global economy. Check out Lapavitsass latest collaborative efforts here: You c
Transmissions Ep. 13: James A. Smith of The Popular Show
Hello friends! Welcome to another episode of Class Unity Transmissions! Our guest for this episode is none other than James A. Smith, co-host with David Slavick of The Popular Show. Smith is also t