The Clarke Forum for Contemporary Issues

The Clarke Forum for Contemporary Issues

Latest Episodes

The Tea Party
April 18, 2012

Ana Puig and Anastasia Przybylski, co-chairs of the Kitchen Table Patriots, will address the nature of the Tea Party and the impact that it has had in the early Republican primaries and the role she anticipates it will play in the 2012 presidential electi

Acoustemology & the War on Terror
April 16, 2012

Suzanne Cusick, professor of music, New York University. Based on interviews with released detainees at Guantanamo and elsewhere, this lecture analyzes the ways that regimes of sound and silence were used to attack the subjectivities of prisoners detaine

Global Order After the Financial Crisis
April 04, 2012

Harold James, Professor of History and International Affairs, Princeton University. Today there exists a real possibility of deglobalization, not so much because of trade protectionism (that was a principal driving force of the last big episode of deglob

The Economic Crisis and Economics
April 02, 2012

George DeMartino, professor of economics at the Josef Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver. Since the outset of the economic crisis in 2008 Nobel Laureates Paul Krugman and Joseph Stiglitz and other economists have indicted the ec

Foreign Policy: Israel the Ultimate Ally
March 28, 2012

Michael Oren, Israeli Ambassador to the United States. This event is co-sponsored by The Clarke Forum for Contemporary Issues at Dickinson College, Scholars for Peace in the Middle East (SPME) – Central Pennsylvania Chapter, and the Jewish Federation of

China’s Capitalism: A Model For U.S.?
March 27, 2012

Doug Guthrie, Dean of the School of Business, George Washington University. China’s economic growth over the last three decades is often viewed as an export-led development strategy that benefitted tremendously from a deep cheap labor pool. However, thi

International Politics and Zombies
March 21, 2012

Daniel Drezner, Professor of International Politics at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University. Addressing timely issues with analytical bite, Drezner looks at how well-known theories from international relations might be applied to a

March 20, 2012

Eric Schmitt, Pentagon Correspondent, The New York Times and Co-author of Counterstrike, will explore the Pentagon’s secretive and revolutionary new strategy to fight the war on terrorism. This new strategy will have game-changing effects in the Middle

The End of the Oil Monopoly
March 05, 2012

Michael Granoff, head of Oil Independence Policies for Better Place. For 100 years, virtually all of global transport has been the domain of a single, depleting, polluting commodity to the detriment of the global economy, security and environment. But t

Lifting the Floor and Achieving Gender Equality
February 27, 2012

Heidi Hartmann, president, Institute for Women’s Policy Research. Trends in women’s labor force participation, the gender wage gap, and job segregation by sex indicate that women’s progress has hit a plateau after improvement for several decades. H