The Clarke Forum for Contemporary Issues

The Clarke Forum for Contemporary Issues

Latest Episodes

Volcanic Eruptions - Priestley Lecture
November 10, 2010

Steve Sparks , Joseph Priestley Award Lecturer, Professor of Geology, University of Bristol, U.K.. The causes of volcanism and the dynamics of volcanic eruptions are explained with some implications for society.

Censoring Infectious Ideas: Queer Sexuality and the AIDS Crisis
November 08, 2010

Jennifer Brier, Associate Professor of Gender and Women’s Studies/History, University of Illinois-Chicago. Beginning with her own experiences as an author whose work has been censored, Brier will discuss how the response to AIDS has been affected by att

Buchanan vs. Lincoln: A Presidential Comparison
October 28, 2010

Fred Greenstein, Professor of Politics Emeritus, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University. No two presidents are viewed as having been more unlike than Buchanan and Lincoln. Historians typically rate Buchanan near the bottom of the list of presidents a

Presidental Power: Barack Obama and the Bush-Cheney Legacy
October 20, 2010

Charlie Savage, The New York Times, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist. How President Obama’s team has grappled with the executive powers they inherited from the Bush-Cheney administration presents a case study in the multi-generational, bipartisan trend

Italian Slow Food: Societal Change and Justice
October 13, 2010

Carole Counihan, Professor of Anthropology, Millersville University. This talk uses ethnographic interviews with members of the Italian Slow Food Movement – a coalition of 100,000 members around the world devoted to promoting “good, clean, and fair fo

WikiLeaks–A Flood of Secrets: National Security vs. Free Speech
October 06, 2010

Steven Aftergood, senior research analyst at the Federation of American Scientists. The recent disclosure of up to 90,000 classified documents relating to the Afghanistan War has underscored the difficult balance between preserving open government and pr

The Roberts Court and the Future of Constitutional Law - Constitution Day Address
September 20, 2010

Erwin Chemerinsky, Constitution Day Address Lecturer, Dean and Professor of Law, University of California, Irvine School of Law. The Roberts Court will address the most contested and divisive issues polarizing American society, including gay marriage, st

A Mosque Near Ground Zero? A Panel Discussion
September 06, 2010

The panelists will discuss the nature and extent of American Islamophobia in the context of the ongoing controversy regarding whether an Islamic community center should be built near Ground Zero, focusing in part on the proper balance between religious fr

Crime in Carlisle? Just the Facts Please: A Panel Discussion
August 31, 2010

Panelists Mayor Kirk R.Wilson, Carlisle Judge Edward Guido, Cumberland County Court of Common Pleas Chief Dolores “Dee” Danser, Public Safety, Dickinson College Lieutenant Michael Dzezinski, Carlisle Police Department Matthew T. Bennett, prevention sp

Backlash 9/11
April 26, 2010

Mehdi Bozorgmehr, Associate Professor of Sociology, City University of New York. For most Americans, September 11, 2001 symbolizes the moment when their security was altered. For Middle Eastern and Muslim Americans, 9/11 also ushered in a backlash in the