The Clarke Forum for Contemporary Issues

The Clarke Forum for Contemporary Issues

Human Dimensions of Natural Resource Extraction: A Panel Discussion

March 04, 2013

Natural resource extraction has been at the heart of economic growth and, for that reason, remains a source of considerable political and economic controversy. Both Pennsylvania and Mozambique are currently experiencing a boom in natural gas exploration while they yet confront the economic, social, and environmental consequences of previous forms of resource extraction. The panel will discuss and compare the two locations, identify commonalities, and see what lessons have been learned. Panelists include: Peter Bechtel ’81, Andorinha Azul Ambiental; Tim Kelsey, Penn State University; Veronica Coptis, Center for Coalfield Justice; Erika Staaf, PennEnvironment; and Moderated by Julie Vastine, ALLARM. This event is part of the faculty seminar series titled, Living in a World of Limits and is sponsored by The Clarke Forum for Contemporary Issues and co-sponsored by the Center for Global Study and Engagement, Center for Sustainability Education, Career Center, Department of Religion, Office of Institutional and Diversity Initiatives, Department of International Business and Management, Health Studies, Department of Environmental Studies, Community Studies Center, Department of Africana Studies and ALLARM.