Clackamas United Church of Christ

Clackamas United Church of Christ

Latest Episodes

God is She Who Delights in You
June 12, 2022

Print Bulletin Welcome Adam Ericksen Prelude Jean Herrera Lighting of the Peace Candle Melanie Horbert and Jessica Gonzalez All: We pray for peace in our hearts, in our homes, in our communities

The Spirit Poured Out Upon All Flesh
June 05, 2022

Print Bulletin Prelude Jean Herrera Lighting of the Peace Candle Deana Cox and Jessica Gonzalez All: We pray for peace in our hearts, in our homes, in our communities, in our nations, and in our w

God, History and the Clackamas First Peoples
May 29, 2022

Print Bulletin Welcome and Announcements – Adam Ericksen Prelude – Jean Herrera Lighting of the Peace Candle – Micheal Garcia Our tradition at CUCC is to light a peace candle at the beginning of each

Recognizing God
May 23, 2022

Today we discuss the story of the Jesus resurrected – Jesus on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35). The disciples say they had hoped Jesus would be the one to save them, but after the religious and pol

Grace Through Sacrifice
May 16, 2022

Print Bulletin Prelude – Jean Herrera Adam: God be with you.All: And also with you. Welcome and Announcements – Adam Ericksen Lighting of the Peace Candle – Jessica GonzalezOur tradition at CUCC is to

The Mysterious Presence of the Resurrected Jesus
May 09, 2022

Print Bulletin Prelude – Jean Herrera Welcome – Adam Ericksen Lighting of the Peace Candle – All: We pray for peace in our hearts, in our homes, in our communities, in our nations, and in our worlds.

Doubts Are Welcome Here
May 01, 2022

Print Bulletin Prelude – Jean Jean Welcome – Adam Lighting of the Peace Candle – Raleen All: We pray for peace in our hearts, in our homes, in our communities, in our nations, and in our worlds. Song:

Home is Where God Is
April 25, 2022

Today we welcome guest preacher, Jessica Gonzalez, who will reveal to us God’s always present love is like the best love parents have for their children. Just remember – God is love and God loves you!

Easter Sunday! Letting Go of Jesus
April 18, 2022

Print Bulletin He is risen! Have you ever noticed that in the west, most depictions of the resurrection just have Jesus rising up alone? Well, in the east, they depicted the resurrection not just with

Deconstructing the “Sovereignty” of God – Palm Sunday
April 11, 2022

Today is Palm Sunday. The beginning of Holy Week. Today we celebrate Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey. He is hailed as King. But what kind of King is he? And as King, is he sovereign? Many of u