City Council Chronicles

City Council Chronicles

City Council Chronicles 125: Kate Stewart -- Takoma Park, MD Mayor

June 15, 2019

Kate Stewart--Takoma Park, MD mayor--recalls the saga of Takoma Junction, a small development that generated oversized outrage. We listen back to the arguments, the recall attempt, the cries for racial justice, and the inequity of abandoning the project when it had so many supporters.

City Council Chronicles provides reviews of city council meetings from across the world. Named a "Top 100 Local Government Influencer" in 2016, 2017, and 2018 by

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Graphic by Ben Wasserman: @benwassetweet.

Listen to the newest project from City Council Chronicles, the eight-part "Tear It Down" audio story, available at

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News Theme by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (