Citizen Church Podcast

Citizen Church Podcast

Latest Episodes

Our Mission Is to Build The Church - Topical Teachings
February 05, 2023

We partner with God in building the church among all people everywhere. In this Rally Sunday message, Pastor Dustin Woodward reveals Citizen Churchs new mission statement and how we plan to partner

When you need revival - Same God
January 29, 2023

So often situations around us can feel hopeless, as if were looking at not only dead bones, but dry bones. In this message, Pastor Mandy takes us through the story of the prophet Ezekiel, and what we

When the fight finds you - Same God
January 22, 2023

In week three of Same God Pastor Dustin preaches on Jacob and God wrestling. Even when life feels like its a constant fight, we can hold onto the truth, knowing that God is for us and not against u

When God Makes A Mighty Warrior - Same God
January 15, 2023

Pastor Dustin and his son Aiden Woodward speak on Judges 6 - When God Makes A Mighty Warrior. 2 Corinthians 12:9 says Gods power is made perfect in weakness

Finding the Truth in the Trial - Same God
January 08, 2023

Pastor Dustin kicks off week one of our new series Same God. His message dives into Exodus 14 - Moses parting the Red Sea. Whatever trial you are facing know that the SAME God that helped Moses pa

New Year's Day Service 2023 - Topical Teachings
January 01, 2023

New Year's Day Service 2023 from Citizen Church with Pastor Dustin Woodward.

Christmas at Citizen Church
December 24, 2022

Have you ever wondered why we celebrate the birth of Jesus? And all of the emotions of Mary and Joseph honest un-perfect night? Pastor Dustin brings an incredible Christmas Eve message that you do not

He Will Be Called Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace - He Will Be Called
December 18, 2022

Week 2 of He Will Be Called, Pastor Dustin finished the series with the final names from Isaiah 9:6 - Prince of Peace and Everlasting Father.

He Will Be Called - He Will Be Called
December 11, 2022

This Week Pastor Nick broke down the names of God in verse Isaiah 9:6 - Wonderful Counselor and Mighty God. Our God is a night AND personal God. Checkout the sermon to get more information.

Heart for the House - Here and Now
December 04, 2022

When we give, we are literally sowing into the Kingdom of God. The beauty of Heart for the House Sunday is that we can look back over years of taking up this annual offering and see how God has propel