Circular Economy Podcast

Circular Economy Podcast

Episode 15 – Matilda Jarbin of GIAB

November 17, 2019

Matilda Jarbin of GIAB

Catherine Weetman talks to to Matilda Jarbin, Sustainability Manager of GIAB, a Swedish company with a business model based on the circular economy.  In 2017 Matilda was nominated as one of the top 30 young sustainability talents in Sweden. She is also a board member of Cradlenet, which is Sweden's platform for knowledge and networking around the circular economy. GIAB works with a wide range of business partners, repairing products for reuse and resale.  We’ll hear how GAIB got started, back in 2012, working with insurance companies. We find out how GIAB adds value for its clients, and how it’s expanding into new products, markets and services.  It’s a fantastic example of how simple ideas can convert potential waste into valuable resources, providing wide-ranging benefits for both businesses and society. Podcast host Catherine Weetman advises businesses, gives workshops & talks, and writes about the circular economy. Her award-winning book, includes lots of practical examples and tips on getting started.  Catherine founded Rethink Global in 2013, to help businesses use circular, sustainable approaches to build a better business (and a better world).Stay in touch for free insights and updates...

Read on for a summary of the podcast and links to the people, organisations and other resources we mention.
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Links we mention in the episode:

* Catherine’s blog: Why reuse is #1 tool in the circular economy toolkit* GIAB’s website and the shop* GIAB on Linkedin: Godsinlösen* Matilda Jarbin on LinkedIn* IVL, the Swedish Research Institute

About person
Matilda Jarbin is Sustainability manager at GIAB, a Swedish company with a business model based on the circular economy. GIABs business idea is to implement circular processes into organizations, mainly by reusing products.
In 2017, Matilda was nominated as one of the top 30 young sustainability talents in Sweden. She is also a board member of Cradlenet. Cradlenet is Sweden's platform for knowledge of, and networking around the circular economy.

What we talk about
[00:00] We start by asking how GIAB got started, and what problem it solves for its customers.  Matilda explains how the business model works, and how it creates value for its business clients and consumers.