The Circuit of Success Podcast with Brett Gilliland

The Circuit of Success Podcast with Brett Gilliland

Elle Scott: Learning How Iridology Can Unlock Physical, Mental & Emotional Vitality

February 27, 2023

Discover how Elle Scott’s decision to leave sales for a Fortune 100 company and pursue a career in Iridology has allowed her to do what she loves: helping people. Elle discusses how Iridology can offer an understanding of the happenings within the body and how adjusting aspects of your life according to the information you receive can help you revitalize physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Learn about her journey and insight into creating a healthy lifestyle.

Brett Gilliland: Welcome to the Circuit of Success. I’m your host, Brett Gilliland. Today I’ve got Elle Scott with me. Elle, how you doing? 

Elle Scott: I’m doing fantastic. Thanks for having me.

Brett Gilliland: It’s a little warmer, I believe, where you’re at. It’s uh, just a tad warmer, maybe like 60, 70 degrees warmer…

Elle Scott: Maybe, like 85.

Brett Gilliland: Yeah. 

Elle Scott: …but I’m not rubbing it in.

Brett Gilliland: No, exactly. And that’s okay. That’s okay. At least I’m looking out, I’m seeing sunshine and it’s beautiful out. Uh, at least, uh, you know, as beautiful as it can be in January, or I guess February now, isn’t it? February here in Greater St. Louis area. So, Well, Elle we’re gonna dive into a lot of great stuff.

We’re gonna talk mindset, we’re gonna talk, uh, iridology or you’re an iridologist, which if I’m even saying that correctly, I am new to this. I am learning about it. I saw you on another podcast. I’m like, Hey, we gotta get her on here and learn about this. Uh, but before we do that, uh, I would love to just kind of dive into the backstory of what’s made you, the woman you are today and what’s gotten you to where you’re, where you’ve gotten.

Elle Scott: Sure. So, uh, first of all, a huge fan of mindset, and I had the privilege of being raised by two entrepreneurs. So my mom and my dad, who were mainly in the real estate and construction field, and they were introduced to a lot of mindsets. So as a young child, you know, 10, 11 years old, I’m readingAhmed Dino and Zig Zigler.

Yeah, . Um, and of course the, the all famous Napoleon Hill, which, uh, I consider that guy. My, my mentor though, never met him. Yeah. But his books are very impactful to me, and so that was always at the forefront growing up, and I ate it up. I wanted to know everything about how one manifests, how one directs energy.

So I was that kid. And I also had a very strong desire to be successful. And, you know, I had done a lot of different things. I tend, uh, or had bounced around to a lot of different industries and tried different things. Did the, did the high school, college, uh, played college, uh, collegiate golf, uh, for Irvine, and that was fantastic and fun.

Uh, but I wanted to try something else and really make it into something that would make me a lot of money. Not that golf wouldn’t professionally. 

Brett Gilliland: Right. 

Elle Scott: But it’s, I wasn’t that competitive…

Brett Gilliland: A little bit different deal. 

Elle Scott: …I was that. Right, I was that gal that, you know, told my coach, well, why can’t I smoke a cigar and wear, you know, skirts while we’re competing?

He’s like, you’re not college material [inaudible] 

Brett Gilliland: That’s not how it works. 

Elle Scott: Exactly. Uh, so, uh, right out of college went into technology sales, so, software, Um, I mean obviously at the time there was still, uh, we were still using mainframe. We were still using Excel as base for our software programs and such. And so I got an early started to software sales.

Uh, worked a lot with the state, uh, state government, and then went into more software and then cloud, and spent about 17 years in that industry, which I absolutely loved. There was just, you know, different types watching. This, the technology advanced so quickly. Obviously business acumen, I gotta travel. I worked from home, made my own schedule, so I got really, really spoiled very, very quickly and, and really enjoyed that.

But during those times of working from home, I was doing a lot of humanitarian work. also something instilled in me as a young kid, you know, we were constantly, uh, supporting families in different countries in need and things that were more on the home front, like helping rebuild schools for Indian reservations and such.

So all of this formulated kind of this, this drive to maybe move away from the technology realm. I was immensely successful in it, but eventually wanted to kinda move away into something else, and that’s where kinda iridology comes in. 

Brett Gilliland: Yeah. So tell us, uh, tell our listeners what, what is iridology? So for, for a guy like me that doesn’t know anything other than obviously has something to do with the eye, uh, what is iridology?

Elle Scott: Sure. So iridology is the only soft tissue analysis at present, uh, that exists. And basically it’s a snapshot of your entire system or your entire health. So lymphatic system, skeletal, uh, muscular organs, uh, you know, endocrine system, and then the skin and digestion, all of it as a whole is a picture of your health and it’s historic information.

So, for example, um, you know, you’re, you’re formed in a womb and the genetics that are passed down, we can see some genetic, uh, in or inherit weaknesses or dispositions within the iris. But basically we use all that information from, you know, womb to now and basically build a roadmap to your health and where you wanna go with that.

So it’s, it’s pretty fascinating. It’s eerily accurate. So my, one of my favorite things about iridology is I won’t know a single thing about your health, about who you are. Some, I don’t even know they’re genders, which is a question I obviously have to ask depending on…

Brett Gilliland: Sure.

Elle Scott: …uh, things that show up in the eye.

But then I returned that analysis back to that person and they look at me like I just did some sort of witchcraft because it’s that accurate. 

Brett Gilliland: And so what, so are you doing this with an eye? I mean, am I taking a picture of my eye right now and texting it to you and then we’re gonna do this live on the podcast?

Or like what? Like what do we do here? Like how do we do this? What, what is somebody listening this, what do they take away from that? 

Elle Scott: Yeah, great question. So, you know, back in the day and, and iridology’s been around since the 1800s. The suspect is, it’s actually been around since, you know, ancient Egyptian times, but nothing’s documented or things that we can’t understand.

But, uh, up until the 1800s, it’s been, um, a, a study. And then, uh, Dr. Bernard Jensen brought it into the states in the 1900s and it became a practice. But the technology, of course now we have is in our hands, and we can use the cameras in our phones and most of my clients are from all over the world, and they do take a closeup picture with their phone and send it to me for analysis.

I also can take it with, uh, what I call the magic cam and it’s this Frankenstein created custom camera that gets up really super close in the right lighting and it can get these super crazy cool pictures, but it’s not necessary anymore because of the technology we have in our phones. 

Brett Gilliland: That’s amazing. So, so if I did that and I send it to you in your office, and, and so what, what type of stuff are you telling me?

So again, for our listeners or people watching, I’m taking a picture of my, eye you know, with my iPhone of my eyeball, I’m sending it to you. So like, what are some examples of things that you’ve done lately to help people you know, better their lives, right. Become the best version of them all from a dang picture, from their eyeball.

What is it? 

Elle Scott: Yeah. Gosh. I mean, it’s, it’s everything from getting their energy source back. Right, I mean, you have people out there who have hardly any energy or they’re in constant pain. Um, I tend to, to move away from using, um, you know, labels because, but it’s easier for people to understand that. So like arthritic type symptoms to anything from a stage 2, 3, 4, 5 type of situation.

Brett Gilliland: Wow. 

Elle Scott: Um, and we really only use, and, and all we’re using is information that the nervous system is returning to the iris, right? And saying, Hey, I’m in this part of distress. A lot of this information you could not even be experiencing in your, now this could be stuff that we see that could, that could actually become an issue in the future.

So it’s, it’s even, it’s even more of, um, a preemptive strike, if you will. 

Brett Gilliland: Yeah. 

Elle Scott: To some of the health issues. But, um, mainly what I’m doing is, is my focus is a lymphatic system, because literally that’s the only way for someone to get healthy at, at, at a, at a deep level, healthy to get out, you know, systemic pain and chronic issues.

We always go back to lymphatic system because that’s your sewer system, and that’s where we focus in our work to help people, you know, relieve what, whatever it’s.

Brett Gilliland: And, and let’s, so let’s just assume I had that issue, right? And I had this pain and I had this lymphatic system that needed the cleaning out. So then what is it?

Is it my diet? Is it exercise? Is it, uh, you know, taking vitamins? Is it all the above? What does that look like? 

Elle Scott: Sure. So, uh, you know, there’s different levels of detox and we, we call it detox and really it’s cleansing, but it’s a deep cleansing, right? It’s something that not a lot of people really utilize, but is becoming more popular as we start to, you know, deep dive into the science.

But, um it’s really mainly through diet. You figure your sewer system is everything affected by what you take into your body. So from the deepest levels of detoxification, we’re talking, of course, changing it up to more of the base chemistry. When I say base chemistry, I mean there’s only two sides of chemistry.

There’s the acid side, which is corrosive, and that’s what causes all the pain and inflammation. And then there’s the bay side of chemistry, which is closer to alkaline, but not to the extreme cause that’s where you’re gonna get some issues. But, uh, you’re really gonna look at kind of your base chemistry, fruits and foods like fruits, berries, melons, some of the softer, you know, fruit, vegetables, and then strong herbs, not necessarily supplements, because those are slightly different than herbs.

Supplements are, as they say, um, but the body prefers synergistic herbs, rather than elemental supplements. Uh, but again, this just comes down to choose your own adventure. How deep do you wanna go? What are we looking at when we look at the eye and the state of your health? And that determines how deep we go and kind of the direction.

But usually it’s, it’s in those two realms, it’s always. Diet. And then of course I stress mentality. I stress intention, I stress that non-physical side of this because if you don’t want to be well, or if you don’t believe you can’t be, well, then we need to start working on that first. 

Brett Gilliland: Yeah. And that’s hard to do, right? If, if, if you and I both agree with that, I would think we, we love the mindset. We, we believe in positive attitude. You know, my wife and I talk to our, our kids all the time. If you, if you think you can’t, if you think you can, you can’t. Right? Either way. You’re right. Uh, and it’s all about right up here and what we’re thinking and so, so to talk to our listener that may not believe to the level you and I believe that that’s possible, what advice would you have for them?

Elle Scott: I would say, first of all, take inventory and look at your results in your life. If what you are staring at is not something you enjoy, is not something you like or it’s something you would like to improve. Consider that you are in control of that, because the opposite side to not being in control of your own outcome is that you’re a victim.

Brett Gilliland: Yeah.

Elle Scott: And no one wants to admit that they’re the victim, right? No one wants to sit there and say, well, yeah, I’m absolute victim and I’m just. Things are happening to me. 

Brett Gilliland: Right, right.

Elle Scott: I think majority of people would say, no, no, I’m in control of this. I, I, I’m gonna take control of this. And it’s really empowering.

First, I would empower anyone to understand that that really is the case. You are not just, things aren’t happening to you. But that also is something I would empower someone and say, you can change that. And that’s me handing back your responsibility. Back to you.

Brett Gilliland: Yep. 

Elle Scott: And start there. And then just try it. Just try small things.

Don’t go big. Don’t say, you know, next thing. I want a Bentley in my, in my, uh, garage in two days. And you’re over there, you know, chanting for it. Try something small. Try… 

Brett Gilliland: It’s taking action every day, right?

Elle Scott: And take action. I mean, there’s, there’s a lot to be said, different schools of thought. You know, we’ve, we’ve listened to many masters and read many books, so there’s different ways to go about it.

You can also tap into the way you feel because feelings are a vibration. They, they often help direct our thoughts or let us know where our thoughts are pointed and where our energy is going. Uh, but yes, ultimately take action, but don’t replace action or don’t replace mindset with action. Cause then you’re going too far.

You’re just gonna try to effort your way through everything. Which if again, intention, I can get a client and they can say, I don’t believe in any of this, or I don’t believe I can be well, but I’m gonna go do everything you tell me to do. It’s not gonna work. You can’t action your way to belief.

Brett Gilliland: That’s right. 

Elle Scott: Belief. Belief is simply a thought you continue to believe or…

Brett Gilliland: Well, it’s funny you say that. So the circuits of the Circuit of Success, hence the name of this podcast, the first one is your attitude, right? I always say you decide where you go. You decide when you wake up, you’re gonna be a victor or a victim, right?

So yeah, once I decide that, then there’s my belief system because between the two, there’s gonna be this thing in life we call rejection, right? And rejection is gonna get me on my day of like, well, crap, I woke up in a great mood, but uh, this little light on my phone is bad news. Right. Well then it comes to my belief system, right?

And I’m going really quick here on this, but my belief system, then I ultimately have to take action to get the results that I want, right? And so when you hear it laid out, like that attitude, your belief system, the actions ultimately get your results. What do you think about that?

Elle Scott: I, I agree. Right. There’s we’re, we are human beings, not human doings.

However, when you, there’s, I always say only take action when you’re in alignment. That’s the most important part, because taking action out of alignment isn’t gonna produce anything, but they’re always has to be a level of action. Almost, you wouldn’t be able to help. If you’re inspired and you believe in it, you’re like, there’s nothing that could hold me back from doing it.

So yes, there’s always that level of action. It’s, it’s a, it’s a whole look to your point. Those are all connected.

Brett Gilliland: So I would love to know, I like this question. Uh, he probably hence why I ask it, right? Um, but if, if I were to follow you around every day and I’m, I’m hanging out with Elle Scott and I get to have a camera and say, show people.

These are the no miss things that you do every single day. What are those things for you to be at the top of your game? 

Elle Scott: Sunlight, for sure. And if you can’t get that, um, you know, I get that everyone’s got a different climate. Um, do your best to get some form of self soothing type energy, right? Get, get some sunlight.

Get some warmth. If you’re in the colder regions, um, maybe get into, you know, something that, that energizes you, because we do need those elements, and that’s sometimes tough in the winter, so I get that. Uh, but for me it’s, I get out, I get, I need fresh air, I need sun. Or just daylight. And then, um, I, of course, I, I don’t jump right into my work as much as that.

And through my 17 years of being in a career, that can be tough. You know, you’re salesperson wants to know how are my deals going? 

Brett Gilliland: Right.

Elle Scott: But I really make sure that I start my day off with aligning myself with my energy, checking in, how am I doing today? I go take my walk. I, of course, that’s a form of meditation, and I tap in and set my intention with my energy.

I may not be setting the intention of I’m gonna do this, this, this, and this, and this, because again, I wanna make sure that energy and the feeling and my attitude is in check first. So, uh, that’s usually what I do every single day. And then I start my day off with fruit. Um, whether that’s I eat it or I juice it because again, I’m breaking that fast.

So I’m moving my body a little bit. I’m breaking my fast with the most cleansing astringent properties to keep my system, uh, good. And again, I’ve fasted all night long during sleep. And, um, and then I jump into my work, you know, with, with clients and whatnot. So I’m, I’m constantly communicating with them, um, and making sure that it’s on all fronts, not just doing eyes, but when we do health consults and I’m, I’m checking in, how are they doing?

This is a process. And providing more, uh, encouragement on the mental side or throwing more resources to keep. Keep them going on this. And then I always leave time to do nothing. This is the other thing, blank. Nothing, literally just stare at the wall. I, I really, I really stress that in this, in this day and age, we have instant gratification with information.

Everything’s ping us and I really take a point to sit in a state of silence and do my best to not to do anything. So I just can decompress and receive whatever, you know, inspiration I need to. 

Brett Gilliland: Which is hard to do, right? As a go-getter, as a, a hard charge in person. I think it takes practice to do that. I mean, for me, I, I, I do that same thing, but more of a meditation, breathing exercises and, but it’s really hard.

Like even this mornings was really, really hard to do. Like I just didn’t wanna do it, uh, for some reason. And I don’t normally feel that way, but for today, I didn’t wanna do it, but I did it. And, but I’m glad I did it, you know, and it, but it’s really, really hard to do that .

Elle Scott: It is, you know, back in the days when I was surfing every day, um, when I, I lived in Southern California, so I’d get up, I’d surf every morning and Dana points and really enjoy it.

But lemme tell you, I am not a fan of cold at all. So there’s no warm water like we have here in Florida, in Southern California. But I would’ve to give myself that pep talk, like, no, you’re gonna be so much happier after you do it. And it’s gonna set your tone for the day. Salt water, which is energizing and wonderful and cleansing.

So I totally get it. And some days I’ll force myself and I say force, or rather I empower myself to do something that perhaps I may not be ready to at that moment. And be good. And then some days I honor the fact that it’s just not gonna happen and something else is pulling me. So I’m, I’m not a rigid person whatsoever with my routine.

Brett Gilliland: I love it. What, uh, what are you glad, or what, what risk are you happy that you took in your life? Um, that at the time was scary as hell, uh, but you did it and, uh, you’re glad you did it. 

Elle Scott: I would say, leaving what I considered the best role and job I had ever had. And that was with the last company, AWS or Amazon.

Fantastic company. Loved my teams. I was succeeding beyond any other years that I’d been in this career and I was making the most money in my life. I mean, everything was fantastic and to step away to work on personal business was a very, and I swore I would never do that. You know, I had stepped away many years before just to take a break.

I really just wanted to shake things up and I literally became a flight attendant for a year and it was a blast. Oh yeah. I mean, like I said, total just random out of left field. …

Brett Gilliland: Right.

Elle Scott: I wanted to try it out and I thought, Um, when am I ever gonna say I can do this. I’m not gonna wait till I’m 60. So I took a break at one year, took a break, went to, uh, Nepal to rebuild homes after their really devastating earthquake and became a flight attendant.

Enjoyed the travel and serving people and, um, and then I went back to, to work, but I swore I would never do that again. It’s not that it was a horrible experience, it was just, you know, anytime you leave. that, uh, very lucrative career and that stability, there’s always the unknown, and I swore that I would, I got that outta my system. But I’ve always been an individual who my number one is to, one, be happy and fulfilled, but two help people. And though I was helping people at a level in my industry, I really wanted to help people at a deeper level where I felt like I’m one of the only people that could do this. You know, I’m replaceable at these companies.

Though I love these people and I’m doing a great job and succeeding. It’s time for me to step out. And it was, I mean, I, I have to say to the level where there were mornings where I wanted to just throw up. 

Brett Gilliland: Wow, scary. 

Elle Scott: That I could not believe I was going to. Yeah. It was, and I at least had myself to a financial position where I could, you know, had my investments, had the support of family and friends, and it scared everyone else too.

But I made the leap and it’s been [inaudible] 

Brett Gilliland: What in the hell are you doing, Elle?

Elle Scott: Oh, like, you’re an idiot. Don’t do, oh, and also in the best community or best, uh, economy we’ve ever had. I mean, we’re talking go, you know, All these companies are just laying people off left and right. So if you weren’t already in there, you are not getting a job. 

Brett Gilliland: Yeah, right!

Elle Scott: So to watch this industry also take a really big hit was tough to my heart, but I looked back and went, gosh, I’m, I’m in a position where I have something that’s super fulfilling and I can, I can grow that’s mine that I, that can’t be taken away from me. 

Brett Gilliland: Yeah. And I think that’s so true and there’s so much p pride and power in that isn’t there?

I mean, to know you’re building something. I mean, I think of our advisors that, that work here, you know, almost 40 advisors and it’s like they work for themselves and, and, and, and nobody can take that away from ’em. The clients that they’ve built, the clients they have, there’s something about it, in my opinion, to when you go out and do something on your own and build something.

I mean, it’s scary, don’t get me wrong. Right? And you earn every paycheck you’ve ever gotten. Um, but man, it, it’s so worth it in the long run. 

Elle Scott: It really is. And I. Uh, I think a lot of people really struggled with the, you know, the pandemic and, and the shutdown. And of course in LA County where I was living at the time.

Brett Gilliland: Yeah. 

Elle Scott: Um, you know, obviously a newly, uh, Florida resident for obvious reasons, but it was really tough. But it, and a lot of people cursed it, it, it really hurt a lot of people, but it also helped a lot of people. I up and left LA County during the shutdown, grabbed an rv, remodeled it, and traveled around the country cuz I could.

I was just, I, I, I couldn’t stay still. I 70% of my life was traveling. And so yeah, when everything shut down, I had a very emotional, emotionally hard time with that. I couldn’t see my clients. That was a big deal to be in front of people. So I just up and hightailed it out. Um, but it created a lot of opportunities for people to really look at what was important to them and step forward with that.

So I think we see a lot of these wonderful companies and entrepreneurs be birthed outta that struggle, which, you know, if you read any of these books, you know, especially, uh, Think and Grow Rich and, and whatnot, some of the best, were birthed outta that failure or struggle. 

Brett Gilliland: So when you, when you think of Think and Grow Rich, I just had oh, she wrote the book, uh, Mrs. Lechter with, uh, with, uh, the Rich Dad Poor Dad, couldn’t think of the name of it for a second. Yes, she was just on my, uh, podcast in. And so, uh, we talked about Think and Grow Rich. She works for the Napoleon Hill Institute. And did, did you ever, like I, when I was a young advisor in my twenties, I had these design statements we would call ’em, right, that came out of that book things I would say to myself, these, these kind of pep talks that, I mean, I still have them to an extent, you know, like carry in my journal.

And so did you have that? Do you believe in that stuff? What’s your thought process there?

Elle Scott: Uh, absolutely. Again, it goes back to, uh, you know, what are you, what are you telling yourself? , what are your beliefs? Right, thoughts become things. So for me, there were always, um, just one liners. Right. Like, um, nothing great leaves my life without something greater entering in after it or if this, if not this, then something better.

And those were just my little things that I would, I would tell myself and just kinda walk in those. But it was constant, they were my statements to myself that, I’m good no matter what. So, yeah [inaudible]

Brett Gilliland: I love that. It’s, so, I wanna talk now about, uh, pity parties. Okay. I, I call this bounce back theory, okay? And so the bounce back theory, whether you’re in sport, you’re in business, you’re at home, you’re at education.

The most successful people at the top of their games, in my opinion, bounce back from defeat very quickly, right? You get bad news in a sales deal sucks, right? Emotionally it sucks. Maybe financially it sucks. But you bounce back, the best salespeople bounce back quickly. So when you hear me say the pity party or the bounce back theory, what’s your pity party look like?

Elle Scott: Oh goodness. I’m not sure if I have one. Um,

Brett Gilliland: okay. I love it. 

Elle Scott: At least I, I will say that I’ve, um, I’ve experienced them quite a bit, maybe a long time ago though, but mostly in relationships. You know, I, I’ve been blessed with, like I said, that success mindset, but I didn’t have as strong as belief in creating my own own reality around relationships, uh, specifically romantic ones.

So my pity parties probably happened then in that context. They were very short lived, but it would, um, It would never involve anything that would be detrimental to myself. I was never a self sabotager. I would never go just, you know, dive into the drinking or, or tell myself that I was, you know, bad. I think it was sometimes, Hey, you’re a little much, and you just maybe need to find someone who can deal with that level of energy and that level of, uh, drive.

Um, so there’s not too many pity parties going on, thank goodness anymore. 

Brett Gilliland: I love it.

Elle Scott: Um, yeah. 

Brett Gilliland: So what, uh, when you hear the word fear, I always ask this question of how many of the fears you’ve put in your mind have actually blown up to the magnitude you put ’em in your mind to be?

Elle Scott: Ooh, very little. Yeah. I think we have a great way of making things bigger than they really are. Right. Um, thank goodness they didn’t show up as, uh, as badly as sometimes I would. But, um, I think, uh, I think probably the most recent one was probably the, the leaving Amazon leaving the job is that fear of the unknown.

Even though I can sit here and say I’m going to create a, a magnificent, uh, give back to the world and something that’s valuable. I, I kind of saw that being a little bit more of a struggle than it, than it really actually was, so

Brett Gilliland: It’s amazing, isn’t it? The things that we can build up in our mind, just like one little, like thing can, and it can just blossom and blossom and blossom.

And I think that, you know, it’s one thing I hope people take from this podcast, and for me, I get asked all the time, what’s, what’s been your biggest takeaway? You know, there. Actually this, uh, this weekend, this Sunday will be my sixth anniversary. And I’ve interviewed, I think you’re the 323rd person. And, and it’s amazing, right?

What you learn out of almost 300 and something hours of interviews, which is a long time. Um, but h. I have learned that the, the, the most successful people, and everybody I’ve asked that question to, the fears don’t blow up to the magnitude. We put ’em in our minds to beat. Right? But we do that and I’ve done it a million times.

And so I hope that people, whatever fears they’re having right now, they’re working out or they’re driving down the road, they can take those things and say, you know what, it is a fear, but I’m gonna choose not to listen to that fear, to this level today, and I’m gonna take one step closer, one, one action step to get closer to where I want to go.

Right? That’s, that’s the biggest hope I have for people is to believe in themselves, believe big, and then go make things happen. 

Elle Scott: Yes. You make a really good point, is I, I’ve learned something over the past few years that, uh, I found that. Those moments of trepidation or hesitation started to get a lot shorter because I had learned from, I believe it was, uh, one of the, uh, I think Abraham Hicks or Jerry and Esther Hicks, and some of the things they were saying is, stop the momentum of that thought.

You know, give, if you go past 17 seconds of that thought, you then create another one that is akin to that thought, and then what happens after a minute is now you put it out into the universe and it’s on, it’s in creation mode now. Right. So do your best to tell yourself, I get 15 seconds to think about this thought.

And this is how I do it now, is if I really wanna think something, you know, that’s not empowering, I give myself 15 seconds to have that pity party if you will, or that, you know, disempowering thought. And I don’t let it go beyond that because I realize that, that will create another one to harmonize with it.

And then I only have a short amount of time before I actually put that out into the universe. So yeah, just stop the momentum, do anything to stop the momentum. 

Brett Gilliland: That’s a really powerful saying. Just stop the momentum. Stop the momentum. I love that. Um, so when you see this, uh, this f greater than P sign in the back of my microphone here, that that’s our mission statement, right?

And so that’s the future greater than your past. We help people achieve a future greater than your past and so, when you hear that, it doesn’t mean you had a bad past, but I would assume if I’m in a room and there’s a thousand people in there and I said, how many people in here wanna have a future greater than their past?

I would assume most people would raise their hand. Right. So, um, when you hear that achieving a future greater than your past, what does that mean to you?

Elle Scott: The first feeling or thought that comes to my head is massive impact. And I really, truly, Wake up every day wanting to make a positive impact in someone’s life and helping them to, you know, just empower them to go carry that on as well. I want to create a world of givers, givers of, you know, in value givers, not just someone who gives of themselves to a point where it’s self-proving or it hurts them, but true giving that helps other people to do the same thing and create that chain reaction. Right. Um, I would say that I would also, I’d also love to see, uh, this, you know, for me, continue on with this path. This has been something that I’ve loved since I was young. You know, iridology health and so forth. And in the past I doubted it.

In the past I always, you know, went back to the things that were comfortable. Yeah. And I feel I’m beyond that where I, I’ve now opened up to the point I can’t ever go back cuz this is just too amazing what, what we’re doing. And I would, I would say that my past has always kind of had this bounce back to the safe.

So the future is definitely a lot brighter than the past. 

Brett Gilliland: Yeah, well it’s, when I hear you say that, I think of, I call it the comfort zone callous, and, and I, I picture this little circle is your comfort zone. Right? And we keep buttoning up against it and, and we create this callous and we just can’t get through it, right? So we gotta figure out another route to go. And I think it’s, it’s easy for us to do that, isn’t it? To go back to what’s comfortable.

Um, oh yeah. We have to get, we have to get comfortable being uncomfortable, in my opinion. And so that’s what it takes. You’re following your dreams right now, right? It may have been the scariest thing you ever did, but you’re following your dreams and that’s, that’s super impactful.

Elle Scott: Yeah, and I definitely want to, uh, in some way, you know, I obviously don’t know everything. There are people who have far more success and have done this for much longer than I have, but if I can inspire someone to just rip that bandaid off and do it, Then I’ve, then I’m, I’m fulfilled. I love…

Brett Gilliland: I love it. 

Elle Scott: …I love just being able to inspire.

Brett Gilliland: So I’m assuming you got a cell phone pretty close to you there, and, and if I were to steal that cell phone from you, what are the, besides email, because you gotta have email for work and all that stuff, but if I stole it from you, what’s the one thing that you hope I don’t take and delete off of your cell phone forever?

Elle Scott: Wow, that is a really cool question and not where I thought you were going with this. Um, what’s the one thing I wish you wouldn’t delete?

Brett Gilliland: And we can go too. I wanna know, I’d be curious on where you thought I was going with it. And we can go there a second, but after, 

Elle Scott: Oh, I thought you were gonna say, if I were to look at, you know, other than email and stuff like that, like go to my Instagram, like what do I search and see a bunch of watches and classic cars, really.

Brett Gilliland: Exactly. It’s amazing how that stuff just keeps showing up, isn’t it? I’m like, my goodness. 

Elle Scott: Oh yeah. 

Brett Gilliland: They know exactly what you’re looking at. 

Elle Scott: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, given we’re in the world where everything backs up, but I would say, um, uh, I wouldn’t, I wouldn’t delete the, uh, the text messages from my family.

Like, let’s just say if those weren’t backed up, those, those text messages and, and my friends and just those, those are oftentimes the things that I look back on and, and realize and, and I say this, some of those text messages are really painful. Some of those text messages are also super positive, but that’s what’s gotten me to where I am today.

Brett Gilliland: Yeah. Yeah. That’s great. Yeah. What would you say, there’s any apps or anything you use, obviously there’s all the social media stuff and you can grow a business that way, but , any, any apps that you use that are, that are really helpful for you to be productive? 

Elle Scott: Oh, great question. Um, I, I love, um, there’s a few, so I love GoodNotes.

It’s, it’s just where I dump all my thoughts. Um, I’m not a big writer. I’m a big audible person, so I will just voice notes into that. Um, and, you know, kinda like an Evernote, uh, is one of those, um, I also, gosh, there’s so many, you almost forget which ones you use on a daily basis. I know, right? Um, my , my White Noise app.

I am one of those people that cannot sleep without it. Like, thank God they made this app because I, I have gone to different countries and they didn’t have fans and I, I think I just stayed awake for four days straight because of that. 

Brett Gilliland: Well, what’s funny cause I have a really bad, I have a bad experience with that.

My buddy Chris, I, when when you show up to your guys’ golf trip with 20 guys and you’re one of the last people there, you get like the worst room and you have to share a room. Right? And, and my buddy had, he had a white noise thing that was so freaking loud. I couldn’t even sleep a couple nights. And finally one night I got up and I’m like, I’m turning this damn thing off.

And so I, I turned it off and, you know, I tried to fall asleep and all of a sudden he cranks it back up. I’m like, yeah, gah lee so I told him, I never want to hear white noises the rest of my life. Uh, that’s all I I was, I’ll throw out one I thought, the reason I asked that I, I love these, but I heard of, uh, I just got Basmo, B A S M O.

I’m a big reader and it tracks you like kind of hit start when you read and then it tracks. And then when you’re done, you obviously hit done and what page you’re on. And it tells you like it, you know, at this level of speed of, uh, of reading. This is when you’ll finish that book. But you take pictures and you can audio the stuff you’re learning from the book and it keeps it all compiled in one spot.

So now throughout the year, I can go back to those books anywhere I’m at and look at the highlights. My notes, my thoughts, all this stuff. Cuz you know, something triggers you in a book, right? And it’s like, oh, I need to do this, this, this, and this in my world, based on what I read in that book. So for me, I’ll just share that to our listeners or share that to you.

I thought it was really, really good and it’s very helpful if you’re a reader. 

Elle Scott: Oh, absolutely. I’m gonna download that. And you said it was Ba… Basmo?

Brett Gilliland: Basmo. B A S M O. Yes. 

Elle Scott: Okay. I’m gonna take a look back. 

Brett Gilliland: Well, this been awesome, Elle, where can our listeners find more of Elle Scott?

Elle Scott: Sure. So, uh, social media is, is obviously a great place.

Um, I’m more active on Instagram, uh, and my handle is, uh, @showmeyourset and also And that’s, that’s probably the best way to, uh, to get ahold of me. 

Brett Gilliland: Awesome. Well, I hope people will take, uh, the, uh, the, the advantage of taking the picture, sending it in, and let’s learn something cuz I, I even saw in my research that they can, you could diagnose like lower back pain and kidney type stuff from looking at the eyeball. 

Elle Scott: Yes. 

Brett Gilliland: If I read it correctly, your ego is in your eye. I mean, that’s amazing. 

Elle Scott: Yep. It’s, you know, the one thing I always tell people is, uh, you know that you use the word diagnose and we as iridologists say, you know, can’t diagnose, but you know, cause you get on the medical terms.

Brett Gilliland: Sure. 

Elle Scott: But you absolutely can see all of this. I mean, if you can think of a symptom, you can think of something, uh, you know, a dis-ease. We can look and see the root cause of that in the eye. And we, and everything we see is repairable. Unless you are missing an organ that has been removed, I obviously can’t stick that back in your body. But pretty much everything is, is addressable and repairable. And it’s pretty powerful. 

Brett Gilliland: Yeah. That’s amazing. Well, we’ll put all that stuff in the, uh, show notes. Elle an, it’s been so awesome having you on The Circuit of Success. Thanks for being with me.

Elle Scott: Oh, it’s been a pleasure. Thank you so much. And thanks to your listeners.
