The Circuit of Success Podcast with Brett Gilliland

The Circuit of Success Podcast with Brett Gilliland

Aurora Winter on the Circuit of Success

May 03, 2021

Join Brett Gilliland and Aurora Winter as they talk about how she realized her dream of becoming a writer and used it to help and inspire people to let their messages out to the world. Aurora believes that everyone has something to tell, yet they do not try due to negative thinking. Her passion for liberal arts pushed her to teach people the framework for effective communication, to turn words into wealth. In this episode, Aurora shares her knowledge with those who have something to say and gets them to start writing that book they always wanted to write.

Love for Words

Hooked by the works of C.S. Lewis, especially The Chronicles of Narnia series, Aurora, at nine years old, realized what she wanted to be – a writer. She was able to grasp how Lewis embedded a lot of values into his storytelling and made a difference in people’s lives that she dreamed of becoming as good of a writer herself as he is. With that, Aurora’s love for words and storytelling made her a writer, and she has worked for film and television production. Aside from writing screenplays, fiction, and non-fiction, Aurora also gives aid to leaders and entrepreneurs to pour the words out they desire to speak, whether in videos, TV, podcasts or by writing a book. She wants everyone to be aware that communication is a superpower everyone possesses; the only question is how to be effective.

The Neuroscience of Communication

To be able to convey the message effectively, Aurora says that one must have to understand the neuroscience of communication. She briefly explains that three stages need to get passed through for effective communication. First is the ancient reptilian brain that is looking for something quick to grasp, or in other words, a hook that will spark interest to the audience. It needs to answer the questions “why should you listen?” and “what’s in it for them?” that would be calling the shots for people to listen. Second is the midbrain, which Aurora refers to as the social status test. After getting the audience’s attention, one needs to keep them from paying attention, so Aurora says that having status gets people to keep listening. One example is by having a book, and so it builds up credibility. The last is the cerebral cortex, the high-functioning brain that processes information. Aurora says that to get the message across, both left and right hemispheres of the brain should be used, so creating a mix of storytelling and information ensures that. Mastering the neuroscience of communication makes a higher chance of communicating effectively and helps the speaker do it differently than the mainstream. Aurora also believes that if you have the right message and have the right opportunity to present your message to the right audience, it can dramatically shift your business, career, and opportunities.

About Aurora Winter:

Serial entrepreneur Aurora Winter demystifies the magnetic marketing messages needed to trigger success. A TV writer-producer, she uses her film-making background and neuroscience to help entrepreneurs get their messages out to the masses. The most effective communication integrates smarts, showmanship, and storytelling — think Hollywood meets Silicon Valley.

Leaders launch startups and movements by leveraging clear, concise, compelling words. Yet, many intelligent people sabotage their success because they fail to master communication skills. Failure can be avoided with the proper training. Aurora trains people to confidently share their memorable message, whether delivered as a pitch, talk, video, or book. A sought-after speaker and trainer, Aurora is frequently featured in the media, including ABC TV, CBS TV, KTLA TV, Success magazine, Elle magazine, and Oprah radio to name a few.

Outline of the Episode:

[01:39] How Aurora realized her dream of becoming a writer and how she is lucky to be living the dream.

[03:07] Aurora gives a rundown of what she does besides writing.

[05:34] The importance of teaching people the framework behind communication as told by Aurora.

[07:32] A preview of the services that Aurora renders to her clients.

[12:02] Tipping every meeting to your favor before even saying a word.

[13:10] Aurora’s take on people who do not try writing a book.

[17:50] Advice when writing a book.

[19:11] How to communicate more effectively using the Neuroscience of Communication.

[23:42] Dedicate time mastering communication – practice.

[26:44] Brett and Aurora discuss their habits of dedicating time to themselves for deep work.

[33:09] Becoming a different person through bad experiences.

[36:10] “The quality of our questions determines the quality of our lives.”

[37:38] Aurora says that she is happy with where she is now.

[43:23] Aurora gives a primer of her book, Turn Words Into Wealth.



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