The Circuit of Success Podcast with Brett Gilliland

The Circuit of Success Podcast with Brett Gilliland

Perseverance and Passion: Josh Yaro’s Journey to Professional Soccer

August 21, 2023

On this episode of Circuit of Success, host Brett Gilliland interviews professional Saint Louis City soccer player Josh Yaro. Josh talks about his journey from Ghana to the US, the importance of finding the right position, and taking criticism. He also emphasizes the need to care for one’s body and the importance of analytics and data in sports.

Josh Yaro


Speaker Brett Gilliland: Welcome to the Circuit of Success. I am your host, Brett Gilliland, and I’ve got the privilege to interview Josh Yaro. Josh, how you doing, man? Speaker Josh Yaro: I’m good. How you doing? Speaker Brett Gilliland: I’m great. You Yaro. We’ve interviewed cardinal players. We’ve interviewed, you know, Blues people. We’ve interviewed all sorts of athletes and business leaders, but you’re the first professional Saint Louis City soccer player that I’ve got to interview. So It’s a big deal. It’s awesome. And you guys are having a great year. Speaker Josh Yaro: Wow. Yeah. Thank you. Well, that’s an almost out of hands for having me on the show. Yeah, it’s been a good year. It’s been a good year. I think, you know, started the season all through the world and we can maintain that, with excited to see how the nuances in, you know, goes for us and, you know, make the playoffs and and make a run for, you know, for a title title. Speaker Brett Gilliland: That’s right. That’d be awesome, man. So maybe for our listeners that don’t know who you are. If you could, give us a little background. What’s made you the man you are today? I know you grew up in Ghana. Came here to college and then went to Georgetown and and had a great college career and and, but if you could give us a little background on who you are today. Speaker Josh Yaro: Yeah. I grew up in Ghana. I actually went to and I don’t think a lot of people know I actually went to high school in six states. So working Ghana came, to the States, when I was fifteen. So came to high school as private boarding school in in Santa Barbara, California. So, came as a sophomore, did that for three Yaro, ended up for Georgetown, played a job down for three seasons. So I was I was I was there for two and a half years. And then in twenty sixteen, I got drafted, to Philadelphia Union. So And I’ve been playing since then. So that’s, like, the the shortage, you know, who I am and my and, you know, my time Speaker Brett Gilliland: Yeah. So what was it like growing up in Ghana? And and when did you, get introduced to the game of soccer? Know that that’s what you were gonna do for a living, hopefully. Speaker Josh Yaro: Yeah. I mean, it was it was awesome. It was great. Obviously, growing up around family, in a place that I’m really familiar with. Life was good. Life was great. Right? And, I mean, everyone that goes up and gone every kid plays the same sport, which is awkward. It, for me, it was really strange when I came to the US, you know, in high school, when kids were playing three different sports a year. That’s something I wasn’t used to. It’s because I put your group on Gana. You play only once for year round and that sucks. That’s what there is. I started cleaning up when I was about four years. Yes. And then later on, I joined an organized team. And then, run around when I was eleven, I joined an academy team, called the registry academy, and that’s that’s where, after doing that kind of because to be able to get into that kind of it’s really difficult. I mean, you have to try out as thousands of kids and and on the as well as possible. So at that point, you know, that I had what it took to become a professional. I, you know, I just worked my way out. But then again, it’s it’s difficult. You know, because every kid in Granite, Speaker 3: I think, I was fortunate to be fortunate actually. Speaker Josh Yaro: And so the competition is high, but Speaker 3: I think I was fortunate that I found myself involved in, Speaker Josh Yaro: you know, with my academy and the teammates around me and the development that Speaker 3: I’d, you know, contribute contributor. Speaker Brett Gilliland: Yeah. What what we were just talking about this today at lunch. Some guys, we went to a group of us went to lunch and We’re talking about what what point does somebody say, yeah, I’m a defensive player. I’m an offensive player. Right? What do you remember that time frame where he said, okay. You’re gonna be a center back and, you’re gonna play defense. You’re not gonna go to school goals and do all those things? Speaker Josh Yaro: Yeah. I do because the first position I have picked is what I play now and I played in the whole life. So, a lot of kids usually, I mean, when you’re growing up, a lot of kids usually just play wherever I didn’t kind of fear that I was, like, I picked one of the stuff with it. So, so, let it stay in position my whole life, which which is crazy. But yeah, I’ve enjoyed it. And I think I know a lot of plans there. You know, used to be sent on me. It’s on my announcement box, so it used to be strike us, and I’m not paying a centimeter or extend this, and it’s they’re all over the place. But, you know, from day one, I just purchased this is the position I want, and I stuck with it, and I stuck with Speaker 3: my whole lot. Hold on. Speaker Brett Gilliland: Yeah. So happy you did. And would you recommend that for players now? Or do you think it’s good to bound bounce around? Because in before I Speaker Josh Yaro: Yeah. I I think it’s good to bounce around because Speaker Brett Gilliland: — Speaker 3: Okay. Speaker Brett Gilliland: — Speaker Josh Yaro: and it’s you get experience in different positions. You Gilliland different positions. It’s every position is unique and has a different skill set. So, yeah, just trying different things because they also help, you know, figure out, okay, which 1AM I looking at? What are my strengths and Speaker 3: what is the best position. Speaker Josh Yaro: So, yeah, definitely, I definitely have been college kids that I’ve grown up to try different positions. I did I actually did the try, you know, a few out of positions and I was growing up. Play that a few times. I I think, geez, that’s amazing. Yeah. Speaker Brett Gilliland: Well, that center back’s a big job, man because, you know, you’re the last line. You’re the last line of defense here before you leave the goalie on his own, don’t you? Speaker Josh Yaro: Yeah. No. I mean, again, a lot of people look at it, like, you don’t run as much as maybe, you know, you have midfielders Speaker 3: or the guys in front of Speaker Josh Yaro: you, but it’s it’s tough because I the example I always give is that If you are a striker and you lose the ball, you have your midfielders, you have your defenders, and you have your keeper to make play, you know, so that that doesn’t resolve me. So if you’re a midfielder, you have your defender, you have your goal to make a play. If you are a center back, and make a mistake. Well, your only hope is the goalie, you know. Yeah. Like, the the further back you go, it becomes a lot more risky. I sent him some goalies. Go, we make some mistake. I think nobody, you know, nobody gets covered. It’s a tough position in that sense. Mentally, you just you know, when you make a mistake, you have to move on. And it’s, it’s a really tough position. But at the same time, I think I was never joked out, some of the smartest players, you know, I don’t I don’t know. I don’t think so. Speaker 3: That’s really what I think because we basically talked to such as you just can’t see. Yeah. Yeah. Speaker Brett Gilliland: Yeah. So, you you were saying about telling kids. And what advice would you have for those kids? You know, I think about I’ve got four boys and they all play soccer and soccer season’s going on right now. And so What advice would you have for kids now to one get, you know, continue to get better, but also to challenge themselves and some daily habits they need to be focusing on? Speaker Josh Yaro: Yeah. I think a lot of it, it’s just, developing at your own pace, because it’s just like it’s in life, you know, you look at people that you start with, might be on the same team. You might be the same age group, and everyone’s development is different. You know, some people, it’s an upward development, and it should just keep going up. Addresses, you know, taking two steps, and then they want to get back and back. And that’s okay. Just don’t look at other people’s development and get discouraged by that. As long as you show up every day, you listen to your coaches, you take criticism Gilliland you put in the work, because I think Sometimes people think it’s easy, you know, just walk walk on the field and things are gonna happen. It it takes a lot of hard work, a lot of dedication. And as long as you, you know, you have the work ethic because everything else, you know, will come. If if you are educated enough, if you have the work ethic, Yeah. You might not be good at something, but if you work at it diligently, you’re, you’re, you’re going to become better at it, and just being honest with yourself as well. You know, because you have to at some point, realize, well, let’s go set up what, what you’re looking at, not saying is limit yourself. So but working forward with your strengths, and things that are weakness, or it’s seen as a weakness, work on that to help it become a strength. It might not be your strength at least. You know, you you work on it to make it better for yourself. And the important thing especially for kids is just enjoy it. Because I don’t really want to enjoy and join. And even at this level, I know it’s it’s it’s it’s my job, you know, to go on the end of end, you know, game to do all that, but If you’re not enjoying it, I mean, it’s miserable. It’s — Yes. Speaker Brett Gilliland: — Speaker Josh Yaro: and it becomes really, okay, I I have to go straightening off. Yes, I’m not again. But if you can work up every day and enjoy it, have a smile on the first face while using it, what Speaker 3: makes makes each difference. Speaker Josh Yaro: So for case, I always don’t keep just enjoy it. Enjoy, enjoy the process, enjoy the learning process, enjoy the hard work, and work as a half science, and, you know, just figure out insights and stuff, figure out Speaker Brett Gilliland: I love you. So then enjoy the hard work, enjoy the process. Right? And enjoy even sometimes we nobody wants to mess up, but I think we put so much pressure on ourselves. Don’t we that I mess up and I think it’s gonna be perfect or I gotta go do this many goals or this many saves, whatever it may be. Just and try to enjoy that process like you’re saying. It’s huge. Speaker Josh Yaro: Yeah. Because I mean, the, the only way you really learn is, is, is making mistakes. You know, it’s, it’s, and it’s just I can like, you know, all that you get and learn things that, maybe when you were twenty, you didn’t know. But I did even know those things because the council of experience. And the only way good experience is by making mistakes, I think. We often see mistakes as these horrible things. And they are bad. I mean, I don’t wanna make a mistake in the game because then there are leads to using or something like that. But at the end of the day, yeah, mistakes are gonna happen. It’s just how you how you react to it and how, you know, the direction after that, how you can advance on the instincts or is it on the machines if you’re able to learn from your mistakes and move on, now you, but now you, you know, you have something that you didn’t So Speaker Brett Gilliland: what do you do outside of practice? You know, now, but also even as a kid and whether you’re high school or college. I mean, obviously, the coaches say, be here from this time to this time, but There’s there’s more than just that. Right? Speaker Josh Yaro: Yeah. I mean, there’s more. I mean, even now when you look at it, it’s the time that I spend at work. It’s all processing. It’s it’s you know, it’s just a fraction of my time. Yeah. Yeah, and I think as athletes, we’re much more than, you know, what you see out there just on the field. It’s it’s everyone. It’s easy, your own ways. And I I tend to, you know, when you know, And it’s changed various parts of my life. I was in high school and college. It was different. And when I started playing, because I was doing college, so I go to art centers, because later in the day, now I’m done with college. So most of the time, I come home, realize for a bit, watch TV, sometimes sometimes do some wipes in my foundation dish, which I would have put back in. But most of the time, it’s just relaxing I’m taking care of my body. Because you quickly realize that your body is video body to work. Yeah. Speaker Brett Gilliland: So what do you what do you do from a, from a recovery standpoint? How do you how do you spend those times? Speaker Josh Yaro: So recovery. I mean, we have the ones in the the I’m fortunate and everyone in the team is really fortunate to have. It’s the amount of, you know, health, health, that we have, you know, outside of the field. We have trainers. We have, you know, chiropractic, we have doctors. We have every, you know, every possible possibly thinking, you know, for recovery. So, you know, we have our ice baths. We have, you know, prior therapy. We have massage therapist. We have some higher practice. It’s a lot of things that you can to to make sure that your body is taken care of. So, it’s been great that way. I do most of my staff, usually, you know, I had to train personally. Because I I have that itemized score score. Right. Yeah. But again, it’s crazy how much score science plays it’s easy. And do what we do. Because you look, you look back even like 10:15, twenty years ago, athletes didn’t have what we have, in terms Right. And now everything’s it’s down to assigning sciences, which is good because that means you can play for much longer than longer than you used to, your body must your body’s stronger and, recovers a lot quicker because they are the time to us to help you help Speaker Brett Gilliland: I think Tom Brady helped that. Right? Whether people like him or don’t like him. I mean, it’s, you know, you you see the the massage, the stretching, the the the whatever he calls it, his movement type stuff versus just, you know, going in and throwing weights around a weight room. That’s important, but there’s also all the other stuff that goes along with it. Speaker Josh Yaro: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, again, like, he’s he’s a part of the song. You know, when you look at someone, like, even if he’siano Ronaldo and that’s, and he’s study hate now and still perform, you know, and and I think a last part of it, it’s just just, you know, you know, has to do with full size. You know, your your body, the way you’re covered, the way you sleep, like everything is monitored now, and you can actually have a lot of information about how your body and how your body’s working and responding and all that stuff. And that’s that’s the main thing, you know, to me. And we are fortunate here, you know, a city that we have a lot of, knowledgeable people that help us with that. Speaker Brett Gilliland: Big investment. Cold plunge never gets easier. Does it. It’s terrible. Speaker Josh Yaro: Again, I see all these videos of people that can go into cold plunge’s Gilliland I’m talking, like, extremely cold plunge — Right. For a long time number. That’s not it. I mean, they have, like, I mean, they have, like, eight to twelve minutes that I’m, I’m out. That’s So Speaker Brett Gilliland: you still go eight to twelve minutes in a cold plunge at what temperature? Speaker Josh Yaro: I mean, usually, it’s not I I have to look at what they said. I was supposed to go. I mean, anyway, Fifty, maybe. Speaker Brett Gilliland: Yeah. Fifty. It’s cold. And it’s cold. I do them here and there, and it’s just brittle. It never gets easier. But, man, you’d feel like a million bucks when you get out of that thing. Don’t you? Speaker Josh Yaro: That’s how it does have in your body. Yeah. The second you get out, you can feel the difference between one and one. Got out. Like, it’s amazing and and for us, like, sometimes when you especially after games, when you play games, you don’t really realize I have to use it. So anything like that. And then two days, when you go into an ice bath, for instance, like, all those noises that you didn’t realize you had, taking care of it. When you have a glue to ice it, And so it has helped a lot, you know, in all the voice invoicing. I think the times behind the scenes, it’s pretty good. How Speaker Brett Gilliland: about saunas? You believe in saunas? Speaker Josh Yaro: Not a big fan. We we have the lot of other facility, but I might have. I’ve never really been into Speaker Brett Gilliland: Like, it’s too damn hot. Speaker Josh Yaro: I mean, I would do, like, the the cool tablet, prior to Timber, which pretty much keeps you just saying that it sets going into an icebox. Yeah. But but yeah. Big on songs. Yeah. Alright. Speaker Brett Gilliland: I like them. I like it. I like going in them, but they’re, I like that over the cold, but Speaker Josh Yaro: I know the cold I can do it. Speaker Brett Gilliland: And I, you know, four, five, six minutes. But, so let’s turn to page a little bit. Obviously, big news in MLS this year with Messi joining. I’m sure you’re tired to talk about that or somebody asking about it. But when you hear that news, man, what’s that like as an MLS player that hears one of the greatest players if not the greatest player in the history of soccer is coming to play with y’all. Speaker Josh Yaro: Yeah. I mean, obviously, like, people talk about it a lot and rightfully so because it’s, it’s a big it’s a big moment in my history of the drink and mean, it just goes to show show you how the steps of the league has taken and how far the league has passed. You know, when the league started, Again, I don’t think anyone if I thought we get, you know, get to this point. And it’s it’s come so far. And could you see everyone that was, you know, involved in making that happen, because us, you know, he had another option. I was like, because I’ve taken his safety, but, to make MLS appealing. He just had one like him. It’s it’s it’s an unbelievable machine machine. So — Yeah. Speaker Brett Gilliland: — Speaker Josh Yaro: it’s great to have someone design the leak because he keeps the leak, he keeps the leak exposure. And you’ve seen, you know, even with his team, his former team is joining him and everyone is turning their attention Speaker 3: to nonetheless now because, yeah, you know, have someone like in their belief. So Speaker Josh Yaro: I think it’s great for the league. It’s great for us. Because again, it’s, again, I grew up watching English, you know, before we came to a floor and growing. Get into chance to use, to share a feel with some of my students. It’s amazing. Well, the same thing when I joined the league, you know, the guys like Steven Jarrod, Carlo, and guys that I grew up watching that when hiring, you know, all of a sudden, laying on the same field. I know that. It’s it’s an unbelievable, moment. So, yeah, I mean, it’s exciting. I don’t think city will get to play in Miami. The chances of assisting each other, again, yes, this line is as weird as we’re able to hit them. But, but, Speaker Brett Gilliland: yeah. Speaker Josh Yaro: Again, for the rest of the week, I think it’s it’s great. It’s great. Speaker Brett Gilliland: Yep. Wouldn’t be a bad deal though? Wouldn’t it be, doing a little slide tackle maybe stealing the ball from Messi and going down, making something happen? Speaker Josh Yaro: Well, that’d be nice. That’d be nice. Again, it’s just, you know, it’s just a surreal moment for for the league and for everyone. Speaker Brett Gilliland: Very cool. So who is the person that you grew up watching? Like, who’s the guy that you said, man, I I wanna kinda, you know, play like that guy. Obviously, be your own guy, but but that’s the person you idolized growing up? Speaker Josh Yaro: His name is Rio Pregnant and he cut in punches to another. He cut in government, and grew up actually on my remember going to make this guy. It’s really good. And I was actually fortunate that I got to meet him in two thousand and nine, when I was in Manchester, it was one of those things that it was a really cool moment. Just Yeah. I agree with watching you on admiring and all of a sudden it’s like face to face and it’s what a moment. But, yeah, he’s a guy that, I looked up to a lot. Really good player, the way that he plays and really cleaning anything. I tried to click, pick on some of, you know, the things that he does. I haven’t really found anyone that I like as much since he retired, but he he always be the guy who came up. Speaker Brett Gilliland: Yeah. I, I was listening to you on another, oh, there’s a podcast of where I heard you, but you talked about your passion for, you know, wanting to be more than a soccer player. You wanna be involved in this community. And and so talk to us about why that’s so important to you because I think it’s amazing because you could just go cash a check, play some soccer, have some fun, and not necessarily have to give back. But here you are doing things like this, and you wanna be involved in the Saint Louis community. Talk to us about that. Speaker Josh Yaro: I’ve tried. I mean, since I got here last year, I’ve tried to, you know, be in the community. I’ve done it a few times in a few different ways. I think as athletes, we really fortunate that we get to live the life that we have. And you can completely know that we have a lot of support in these cities and for me, it’s a lot of dedication from the fans and for everything that they do for us. So Again, I want to be part of the community and not just, oh, I’m here for some of this. Like, but, yeah, that’s that’s that’s why I came here, but wanna be part of the community. I want I want to learn about this city. I want to know what’s going on. I want to involve, just a way to say things into the city. And depends, they give us so much every day. And I really do appreciate everything they do for us. So for me, that’s just my way of saying is, you know, thank you for allowing a city here. Thank you for the support. And and all the amazing things that, the city and the, and these fans as you promised for us. Speaker Brett Gilliland: Well, I know I I can speak for a lot of leaders in Saint Louis and just anybody in Saint Louis, but that, you know, it’s great to hear that, man. When a guy is in our community and new to our community and and once give back. So my philosophy in life is if you take a living from a community, you gotta give back to the community. And so it was great to hear that you were in line with that. And, that’s why it’s one of the reasons I was excited to chat with you. So let’s talk about a little bit about mindset perseverance, I looked at, you know, the games and studying you, you know, didn’t probably start out playing as much as you wanted to. Right? But you you had a great attitude. You kept putting in work. And now it seems like what? Last five of last seven games, something like that. You’ve started. You’re playing, you know, it’s like What was your attitude like? What was the culture like? When you mean nothing more as an athlete you wanna do than be out there? But how did you stay committed to what you were doing? And now, playing as much as your plant. Speaker Josh Yaro: Yeah. I mean, a lot of it, like I said, experience, and and I’ve been playing for a few years now. And you go through those moments, you know, it’s time to realize, you know, twenty eight, thirty guys, you know, all eleven guys can get out, you know, at the time. And in life, you’re gonna get opportunities. It’s it’s a matter of Yaro you prepared? Are you ready for the account? And for me, I think most of the time when when players are in position when they’re not turning, the mindset is, well, why should I train harder? Because know I’m not going to play, but that’s that’s that’s a lot because at some point it’s a long season and it’s it’s it’s it’s not gonna get called, you know, and And I think you’re not doing yourself any favors. If you’re not working hard in training, if you’re not putting the work, and if you’re not having a good you have to be a good teammate regardless of your situation. And for me, that was the thousand big piece, you know. Yeah. And everyone on the team plays a path because even if I’m training well. Well, that’s pushing the status and that’s making sense together every day training. So I’m contributing in that way even if I’m not playing, and That’s maybe that’s my role. And that’s so when I wasn’t playing, that was that was kind of my mindset. I’m gonna work hard. I’m gonna push the guys in front of me. And when I get the I’m gonna take them to take it Gilliland that’s what I did. So it’s tough to do that at the moment, because it hasn’t been easy. You know, there’s times going on. I have my moments, but, but, most of the time, though, I kind of switch my mindset to be in a place where I could, support my teammates regardless and work hard and make sure that I was really, I was prepared for when I joined the game. Speaker Brett Gilliland: Yeah. And so talk more about that. I mean, I I call it your roommate. Like, everybody’s got a roommate and that roommate’s the the guy up here talking to us in our head. Right? And What did you do to silence that roommate and and make him be more positive when you could’ve gone the other route and been negative with it? Speaker Josh Yaro: Yeah. Again, a lot of it, I think it’s it wasn’t easy in in any way, but a lot of it it can a little bit easier. I should say, because the experiences I’ve had playing. I’ve been a stewardess like that before, and I’ve seen the turnaround. And because nothing is really pendant. Like, the way that teams start in the beginning of the season is not how they’re gonna end. You know, there’s always a lot of changes in the line there’s always some of the games, the entries, the people who hang up the phone, and it’s it’s a lot of Gilliland so for me, it was it was a matter of, yeah, you know, you might have doubt that you never played, but there is a chance that you lose your mind. And, and for me, that that chance we got us a house small, it was. It’s what kept on going. And and also knowing that, yeah, I’ve seen this situation before and I’ve been in it before, and I turned it around. Done it before and I can do it again. And so, again, when I say experience, it’s it’s great. That’s that’s one of the instances where I think my experience or playing professionally for a few years now, hitting it. And so, yeah, you have your moments where, you know, like, you said, the guy up 06:20 not worth it, like, why you run an extra while you’re doing this, why you’re doing that, you’re not going to play, but you have to keep pushing yourself, you know, I know for a fact that everyone gets their chance, everyone gets their moment. And guys that get really disappointed are those that they get finally get the chance, I’m not even taking a ticket well, because they weren’t so great. Speaker Brett Gilliland: Love it. I love that mindset, man. That’s so many so much to learn. You can just do a podcast just on that question right there. So daily habits. So something I would see. If I followed you around for the next week, what am I seeing no mis items for you day in and day out? Speaker Josh Yaro: Well, then, I mean, change my life. It’s really simple. I wake up. I get ready. I go to work. I come back. Speaker Brett Gilliland: How long are you working? Like, when you say work, how long are you doing that? Speaker Josh Yaro: I mean, so I have to report all it, to the facility around 09:30 every morning, but I usually get there around 08:45 to nine. And and then I’m usually there till about 2PM PM. Speaker Brett Gilliland: Okay. Speaker Josh Yaro: And so, yeah, just just that. And then, I mean, a big problem with it because you realize that your body is what you work with. And so in any way to kind of take care of that all, you know, make sure that it’s in the best possible condition. You know, it’s it’s it’s you do that to optimize your chances of being able to perform the next days. And I try, I mean, I’ve I don’t drink alcohol. I don’t drink coffee. I feel, you know, things like that. Yeah. Yeah. Just anything to give me kind of like the the the edge, you know, because your body has to recover and it has to be able to be able to perform at a higher level than day. So my day’s afternoon. Not not much clothes on it. You know, I maybe in the evenings, I go on a walk with. With my girlfriend and, you know, just uneven escrow and, yeah, to close for the day. But most of the time, just, you know, Speaker Brett Gilliland: Just chilling. Taking care of your body, man, because that’s that’s the, that’s the asset. That’s the asset. So when you see or hear the words, achieving a future greater than your past, what would come to mind for you? Speaker Josh Yaro: I mean, that’s that. Because, again, as athlete, I think as an athlete, I think you’re always kind of in that mindset. Speaker Brett Gilliland: Mhmm. Speaker Josh Yaro: Because you have to always consistently push yourself to perform, and you have to always perform better than the previous because it’s encompasses our competitive sports. And and your best yesterday, you know, might not be good enough for the next day because everyone else is pushing themselves in different ways. And so, for me, just just You know, like I said, continue getting game minutes, and, I’ve just been better than what’s the biggest game, you know, in a lot way to anything. And and that’s that’s measured in a different way because, you know, like everything, like I said, with four times, everything that we do is monitor. So, like, how hard I’m working, how hard I’m running all that from the previous day I have. So if I wanna be better, I think, well, maybe I gotta beat those numbers the next day. Maybe the game, maybe the game that I had last week or this week, what can I do better, to even make it a better game than last week and then just keep building on that? So yeah, it’s in the contact condition with myself. I guess that’s how I see it. Because once you start, compete against someone else, you kind of on the side of cellular, because you have to realize that everyone is weak and everyone is built differently. Because if you look at, again, for example, all the sunavirus that we have not roster. Everyone’s different. Everyone’s getting style is different and everyone has unique styles and everything. And so once you start comparing yourself to someone else, if you’ve lost a blah, like, it’s when it was, say, you are your own competition, that’s that’s true. I found that to be true a lot. Because if you can compete against yourself and you can be better, then you want a previous day, then I think you’ve learned a lot And, yeah, another day, if your best is not good enough, but you’re still achieving at your best best. I think, you know, you’re doing your right. Right? Yeah. You’re doing your right. Speaker Brett Gilliland: That’s all. So when you when you play a game, did are you wearing those vest and they’ll tell you game or practice and it you know, exactly how fast you got from point a to point b and how much running you did. And so so talk to us about that. After a game or practice, what do you personally do or what what is kind of the team do to that those analytics. Speaker Josh Yaro: Yeah. So, I mean, we have people that are in charge of that. And every session, there’s a number that you have to hit. So I think everyone on our team pretty much is done every day. And then that’s just the way that our team is built. It’s really hardworking themselves. No issues with that. You can have your data. Like, after every game, they send us all the data in the day, how fast you’re running, how far you run, like, how have you easily read? I’m telling you every possible information that you could get. It’s it’s it’s provided to me. So you can look at it. You can compare that to the, you know, the previous week’s, game, and and every game is different as well, because some games maybe you might be chasing the game, and so it’s a lot more rotten for you or some game you in control, so you’re not running as much as possible. Yeah. So it’s it’s you you have to analyze the data based on based on on game places, you know, I know. And even in practice, each day is different because the process that you get to gamebed, you know, not not the load that you’re doing in training is a little bit, lower because you’re getting pretty again while in the beginning of the week, it’s harder now. It’s, it’s, it’s a little further from the game. So, You take everything in in in context to you as to what’s going on, but you have all this information, like, every information that you need. It’s it’s on there. And if you don’t understand it, then someone just explain it to you and to help you and figure it out. So, yeah. I mean, I think that’s that’s that’s been things as well. So, this kind of, it’s not in the numbers. And then you see where you work, where you should be, and what you’re doing, and Speaker 3: it does good enough or bad. Adjust them. Yeah. Speaker Brett Gilliland: That’s what I love about sports, man, is if you could apply that to the business world, the more analytics we have, the more data we have, the better you can be for clients, your community, whatever it is. Right? And it’s like that’s what I love about it is your guys’ discipline to that stuff is to actually take the data Get better. If we could do that at work, take the data, practice it, get better. Get a game plan, have some clarity around it, gonna get to the next level. So last question for you here, Josh. What’s it been like, man? Plain in Saint Louis, the inaugural season, the fans, the the atmosphere, just the noise? What’s it been like in Saint Louis for you? Speaker Josh Yaro: Man, it’s been really nice. Because I remember last year when I got here, started with City tune. The first game last year, we played us in this, and I remember just to hopefully sell them out. Ask man, this is a nice to when we had our Facebook system and then fans showed up to the game. I’m, I mean, with drums and I was like, okay, we’re going to go online and I’m going, man, just pre season game. And before I end with, like, I just wait till the season starts, and I saw that during the season. And so bringing back to this year, more in the figures to the year. My god. It’s been, when you talk to, you know, opponents when they’re saying that, again, it’s really tough to listen to us. I think part of it is also what I’ve created, created, and it’s unbelievable. It’s it’s — Yeah. — it’s it’s been been it’s been great. And, And when you have a fan base, that’s really dedicated, like, you do, and a fan base that care, it might help to be withdrawn. It’s nothing done with today’s a lot every every day we go out there to to perform, you know, as a way to say it again, thank you and and to reward the fans for, you know, for for for for them, for coming to the to come into the game and for us, for the hard work. So it’s been amazing so far. And again, can think different to that for what environment that they’ve created for us for us. Speaker Brett Gilliland: Well, it’s been awesome, man. Caitlyn Kendall, I know in in the Taylor family and all the ownership group, they’ve done a phenomenal job with the stadium, just the the energy down there. It’s just it’s been phenomenal, man. It’s been it’s a little bit drive around town. Speaker Josh Yaro: Yeah. I did build something really Gilliland I think that’s because most ownership groups are really hands off. And I think, I mean, we see them side of their their their their their and they wanted to win this, you know, for the community as well. So that’s absolutely amazing. And you can see in the way that they they relate to the city and they relate to the team and everything that they do and you, and, I mean, the facilities and everything. And they’re interested in to build their own economics. Speaker Brett Gilliland: First class. Well, Josh, it’s been awesome having you, man. Finish strong this season. Keep playing well. I know my boys continue rooting for you and the team and and my wife and I and and behalf of the city man. Thanks for what you guys are doing. It’s been awesome, and thanks for being on the circuit of success.