Circle Stories

Circle Stories

Latest Episodes

my ship has many sails: Ken Sehested
May 31, 2020

One of the founding members of Circle of Mercy, Ken Sehested now focuses on writing and shepherding the next cohort of disparate prophets in the land. We talked of his times as a young preacher, a brick layer, activist,

ancestor in training: Mahan Siler
May 22, 2020

A grateful newbie podcaster wishes to thank Mahan Siler for sitting down with me and sharing some of his wisdom. Eighty five years young, Mahan and I talked about the current times from a perspective of shepherding,

do not write in pen: Jordan Doty
May 21, 2020

My good friend and member of several circles in my life was kind enough to join me for a chat. Among other topics, we cover life during quarantine, share two analogies on the strangeness of this time, and generally have a nice time reconnecting over Zo...

April 12, 2020

Hello, my name is Karl Kauffman and I am the creator and host of Circle Stories, the podcast. I am talking to you from Asheville, NC nestled in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains where I live with my wife Karma,