The Cinematography Podcast

The Cinematography Podcast

Ep 39 – Manuel Billeter – Talks the Marvel/Netflix series Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Orange is the New Black and working with Alfonso Cuarón

July 13, 2019

The Cinematography Podcast Episode 39- Manuel Billeter

Cinematographer Manuel Billeter

Manuel Billeter discusses his early career and getting his big break working in post production editing “Y Tu Mama También” for director Alfonso Cuarón, who encouraged him to pursue a path in cinematography. He talks about the high profile series he's worked on, such as “Law and Order,” and “Person of Interest,” how a show getting canceled or getting fired can lead to better opportunities, working in urban settings with night exteriors and the incredible energy it can generate. When creating the unique noir feel for “Jessica Jones” and “Luke Cage,” Manuel loved the look of sodium vapor streetlights, but most of New York has converted to LED lights, so each individual streetlight was gelled to get the yellower look.

Find Manuel Billeter: @zahabill

Ben's short end: The meditation app Headspace

Illya's short end: David Young and the WGA vs. writer's agencies in the Hollywood Reporter

Podcast Credits:

Episode Sponsors
Hot Rod Cameras

Arri: celebrating 10 years of the M18 light

Editor in Chief:  Illya Friedman
Host: Ben Rock 

Producer: Alana Kode
Editor: Ben Katz
Composer: Kays Alatractchi
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