Cincy Brewcast

Cincy Brewcast

Volume 8, Episode 33 - Fifty West and the Return of the Brewpub

January 09, 2023

I hope that you get the same warm fuzzy feelings from this as I do. Fifty West is celebrating its tenth year in business by returning to its roots. The brewpub is reopening its doors, and that’s about the best reason I can think of to show up and sit down for an episode with them.

I sat down with Bobby and Max to talk about it all… the brewery’s journey to get here, how they fit into craft beer today, the return of the brewpub (and how that fits in with who they are, too). It’s an extensive conversation that could have really stretched out even longer if we had the time.

I love what this does for them, for Cincy beer, and if I’m being honest – for me as a craft beer drinker, too!

Guests This Episode
  • Bobby Slattery – Fifty West Brewing Company
  • Max Fram – Fifty West Brewing Company

From The Beer Fridge
  • Fifty West – Slow Pour Helles

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