Cincy Brewcast

Cincy Brewcast

Live From Beer, Booze, And Bonks... Sort Of...

November 21, 2022

I had full intentions to sporadically make this episode over a whole day at Beer, Booze, and Bonks - but forgot how chaotic a day like that could actually be. That's not to say that I didn't try, in fact, half of the episode was recorded live at the festival. The other half, though, I had to record once I got back home in studio.

While we were at Beer, Booze, and Bonks I managed to get Del Hall from 16 Lots to sit down with me for a few minutes to talk about what's been going on with their big new taproom down at Newport on the Levee - and it's such a big topic that I fully recognize that he needs an entire episode to talk about it all.

The festival was an absolute blast, but if you missed it, this might give you a sneak peek at what it was all about!

Guests This Episode

Del Hall - 16 Lots

From The Beer Fridge

HighGrain - Goldrush