Cincy Brewcast

Cincy Brewcast

A New Era For The Cincinnati Beverage Company

November 07, 2022

There's been a long history for the Cincinnati Beverage Company here in Cincy (That's the parent company that owns a lot of the historical brands around town, Moerlein, Schoenling/Little Kings, Burger, Red Top, Clyffside... the list is very long). There are a lot of folks like me that have over time developed a very deep love and appreciation for the history of beer in this city, and this is the company that waves the flag for that history.

When new owners came in early this year and took things over, there was a lot of concern about what that meant. In the months that have passed, we've seen a ton of construction on some really old historical brewery buildings in town, followed by the news that CinBev was planning something big for it all.

It sets us up for a great time to sit down with Elliot Culter. Elliot is the guy manning the helm of the CinBev "ship" and lays it all out for us. We dive in deep to figure out what we can expect as beer fans from the company, both very, very soon - and in the coming years.

This is a wonderful episode - and get's me really excited about what's coming up!

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Guests This Episode

Elliot Culter - Cincinnati Beverage Company

From The Beer Fridge

Sam Adams - Cincinnati Lager