Cincy Brewcast

Cincy Brewcast

Volume 6, Episode 36 - OCBA And Their Ohio Craft Beer Mission

December 07, 2020

I have been wanting to get the Ohio Craft Brewer's Association on the show for a very long time, and with the current state of the world - it seemed like it couldn't be more timely than to get them on in 2020. Justin Hemminger from the OCBA joined me via Zoom to chat about the organization, and how 2020 has shaped up to be something unlike any year before.

I can't even begin to tell you how many folks have let me know that the very existence of an organization like this has been critical for their business this year - and it has brought to light just how valuable they are... not every state is as lucky as Ohio to have as great of folks working for their industry.

On the show we drank a couple of beers - Justin was drinking Fretboard's OohAhh and I put away Taft's Santa's Bribe. We talked about the history of the OCBA and some of the main focuses or goals that they have as an organization. We talk about their auction that they were getting ready to launch (it's live now!) and the importance of fundraising (especially in a year like this...) - all in all? I call this one a great episode!

Guests This Episode

Justing Hemminger - The Ohio Craft Brewer's Association

From The Beer Fridge

Fretboard - OohAhhTaft's - Santa's Bribe