church: untitled

church: untitled

Latest Episodes

A People of His Presence: The Manifestation of the Spirit
July 17, 2024

We may be naturally gifted at something or have great ideas to serve the people around us, but what is God's purpose for our lives? As a part of the body, we all play a role in the health, growth and

The Spirit In You
August 02, 2023

We all come with our individual problems, but the gospel proposes that it is the solution of any issue that we are facing. If this is objectively true, then it begs the question: Are we truly experien

Sent to the Lost
July 19, 2023

What do you do after youve caught a vision of Jesus? In our culture, it had become increasingly easy to get lost in our own desires and problems - even after weve seen Jesus. But rather than keeping

The Blessing of Offense
July 12, 2023

Are you shocked by the offensive nature of the cross? The blessing found in Jesus love includes his invitation to eat his flesh and drink his blood. We must allow ourselves to be startled by this rea

There’s Good News
July 05, 2023

The gospel of a Jesus changes everything! When we hear it often, its easy to become familiar with the language of the good news, and numb to the reality of Jesus. In time our faith erodes and we don

The Vision of the Father
June 28, 2023

Ryan teaches on the difference between our calling and purpose. The Fathers vision for us is to be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God, while our purpose flows from that place. When we a

In Focus
June 21, 2023

This week, Ryan encourages us to step out in faith to remain in the vision of our lives which is ultimately Jesus himself. Like when Jesus calls Peter out onto the water, his vision is that we would

For the Record (Part 2)
June 14, 2023

Continuing in Habakkuk 2:2, Ryan talks about the importance of writing down the promises and vision that God has shown us for our life. When we write them down, we are reminded that there is a reality

For the Record (Part 1)
June 07, 2023

How has God been faithful to you?Just as its instructed in Habakkuk 2:2, Ryan speaks to the faith that arises when we write down what God has done. We are called to remember well, not merely for his

Into the New
May 31, 2023

Why is it that our instructions from Joshua 1:9 are to be strong, courageous and to not be discouraged? It may mean that whenever God takes us to new ground, well need to face that of which will test