Christopher & Eric
Ep. 263 – Christopher & Eric’s True TV Crime Club Serves Up “Homicide For The Holidays: Christmas Rampage” vs. “Six Slays of Christmas”
Christopher and Eric continue All I Want For Christmas Month with a desperate plea for help from you, their beloved Party People. Please find them some holiday themed true crime TV episodes that aren’t hideously nightmare inducing. Your hosts decided to divide up the work this year, delivering dueling Christmastime massacres, one of which may well win the dark distinction of the most disturbing story ever discussed on the podcast. Listen to find out which episode of HOMICIDE FOR THE HOLIDAYS takes the gory prize. Christopher comes bearing episode 5 of season 2 entitled “Christmas Rampage”, and Eric dives down the chimney to avoid the predators on not-so-merry display in episode 2 of season 5, entitled “Six Slays of Christmas”.