Christopher & Eric

Ep. 246 – Christopher & Eric’s True Crime Movie Time Presents “Hoffa”
There’s fact, there’s fiction, and then there’s movies about true crime stories written by David Mamet (and possibly a long list of studio notes.) As Conspiracy Weary Month continues, Christopher and Eric serve up Hollywood’s big screen treatment of Jimmy Hoffa’s complex legacy. It’s the second in a true crime pairing about the notorious labor leader’s still unexplained — if you don’t buy Eric’s theory (see Ep. 245) — disappearance. HOFFA is a big movie. With big stars. And even bigger crowd scenes. But does it illuminate its subject? And is its theory of the last day Hoffa was seen alive remotely credible? And before you accuse us of getting tangled in our ball of red string, does our discussion leave us pointed squarely in the direction of next week’s subject, the JFK assassination? Is everything connected or should we just drink less tea?