Christopher & Eric

Christopher & Eric

Ep. 232 – These Are About Half Of Our Favorite Things (Maybe)

May 19, 2024

Rain drops on roses and 2024 is almost half over. We will have no whiskers on kittens, but Christopher and Eric do have plenty of opinions about the pop culture highlights from the first part of the year – not a big surprise. More importantly, will their current crop of favorites still be in their top spots by the time 2025 rolls around? Even more importantly, will Christopher and Eric even remember they promised you they’d answer this question come December? Doubtful, but stay tuned. In the meantime, we’re left to wonder if Christopher will enjoy more than just the pricey pilot episode of a certain much ballyhooed new FX drama and if Eric will manage to watch anything that doesn’t include a murder mystery being solved in a British garden with a side of tea.