Christopher & Eric

Christopher & Eric

Ep. 220 – Clark Williams Discusses The Murder of Tracy Nute

February 25, 2024

Clark Williams, our fellow citizen detective at TDPS, returns to round out Citizen Detective Month with another stunning interview, this one focused on a murder that struck close to home for your hosts. In August of 1987 the mutilated remains of eighteen-year-old runaway Tracy Nute were found scattered along Interstate 5 between Los Angeles and Fresno. Meanwhile, an appliance rental company in West Hollywood discovered someone had returned a chainsaw that was flecked with bits of blood and human bone. Were these two horrifying incidents the work of a serial killer preying on young queer men long before Jeffrey Dahmer made headlines for his hideous crimes? With Clark on the case, we’re hopeful we’ll have answers soon as he applies the Clark Williams Method to another baffling case.