Christopher & Eric

Christopher & Eric

Ep. 205 – Christopher & Eric’s True Crime TV Club Serves Up “Murder In The Heartland: A Deceitful Heart”

November 12, 2023

Leave it to Christopher and Eric to come up with reasons *not* to go home for the holidays. That's apparently the objective of Heartland Horrors Month here at TDPS, starting with this twisted tale of double lives and chatty wives. In season 1, episode 6 of MURDER IN THE HEARTLAND entitled, "A Deceitful Heart", we head to a Detroit suburb where everyone's desperate to tell you what a quaint and wholesome town they live in while simultaneously recounting a disturbing tale of addiction, murder and (incompetent) deceit. Quaint is in the eye of the beholder, we guess. Or the guilty. Does "double-life" end up being code for "gay twist"? Follow along with your ever curious hosts to find out.