Christ Church Podcasts

Christ Church Podcasts

Latest Episodes

God Whispers: When a Whisper Rocks Your World
May 31, 2011

In the last message of our series, “God Whispers,” we will discuss how God whispers will rock our world when we follow the Son like He follows the Father.

God Whispers: Convos With God
May 29, 2011

Test podcast.

God Whispers: Conversations with God
May 28, 2011

In the third of our four part series, “God Whispers,” we are reminded that God still speaks to ordinary people.

God Whispers: Divine Input
May 28, 2011

In the second of our four part series, “God Whispers,” we will be talking about discovering God’s direction for your life.

God Whispers: The Whisper-led Life
May 28, 2011

In the first of our four part series, “God Whispers,” we will be talking about what it means to live a life that is led by the whispers of God.

Soul Cravings: Hope (Easter)
May 28, 2011

Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection rocked hell and turns our lives right side up!

Soul Cravings: Passion
May 28, 2011

Jesus’ passion was His mission, and His mission is your redemption.

Soul Cravings: Truth
May 28, 2011

Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Him.

Soul Cravings: Significance
May 28, 2011

We find significance when we understand our lives matter to God and that what we do impacts others.

Soul Cravings: Love
May 28, 2011

The Plain Truth in this week’s message is simple: God wants you.