Christian Essentials Podcast

Christian Essentials Podcast

3 Essentials for Christian Living Spiritual Growth The Role of the Local Church-CEP-0008

January 14, 2020

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Welcome back. This week, we are going to focus on the Role of the Local Church in helping you in your Spiritual Growth process with the Lord.

Again, Just a quick reminder about the 3 Essentials that we are talking about in case you missed the first few episodes in the series:

1) Birth – We must have a spiritual beginning, being born again as the Scripture describes it 

2) Growth – Once we have begun, we need to grow in our faith and understanding of God’s Word 

3) Reproduction – The Scripture gives us the task of sharing what we know with others, helping them to come into relationship with God and helping them to grow in their faith as well 

The local church is part of God's Plan for helping us to grow spiritually and a launching place for ministry to others. In today's podcast, I will answer the following questions:

* Why should we be a part of a local church? * What is the purpose of attending church or gathering together as a congregation of Christian believers? * How do I go about selecting a local church to attend?

Special Note:

The topic of Spiritual Growth will be split up into multiple podcast episodes. There is a lot of information to cover and I want to take time to lay the proper foundation for each point, so subscribe to the podcast with the links in the right hand column and tune in each week.

Christian Essential #2 Spiritual Growth – The Role of the Local Church

This Week’s Objective

Learn why we need fellowship with other Christian believers and how being a part of a local church can help us to grow spiritually to benefit ourselves and others.

Scripture Focus

Hebrews 10:24-25 and Ephesians 4: 11-16

Consider These Questions – Personal Assessment

Have you begun to study the Bible? If not, why not?

Why should we be part of a local church?

What benefit is it to me?

How can it benefit others?

How do I choose a local church to attend?

If you are not part of a local congregation, how can you begin the process of locating a church?

(Share your questions with us. We’d love to hear from you. It will help us to create new podcast topics that will be of benefit to you in your journey with the Lord.)

Next Week’s Episode

In Next Week’s Episode we’ll take a look at The Role Of The Holy Spirit in your spiritual growth process.

If you are enjoying this podcast, I encourage you to share it with your friends and family. Encourage them to subscribe so they don’t miss out on the upcoming episodes. If you haven’t had a chance to subscribe yet, just click the subscribe button as well. 

As always, I’d love to hear from you. You can send me an email through the website. 

Until next time – Spend some time alone with God in prayer. Ask Him for Understanding. Ask Him to fill you with His Holy Spirit. Ask Him to help you find the church where you will fit into His plan as you begin or continue your spiritual journey.  


Teddy Levron