Chesed Bible Studies
Latest Episodes
Redemption By Force
Jesus has bought you with a price. So why do bad things still happen? Listen to this podcast and learn God's revealed plan to break the seals of evil and condemnation in your life. Ephesians 1:7-10 Leviticus 25:25 2 Corinthians 8:9 Proverbs 23:10-11 Heb
Rest Finds Grace
Resting in the finished work of Christ always attracts God's grace. Genesis 2:1-3 Exodus 31:12-18 Genesis 3:17-19 Luke 22:44 Genesis 5:28-29 and 6:8 Psalm 23:2 Exodus 17:8-16 Matthew 11:28-30 John 14:27
Sanctification Is By Grace, Not Works
Once we believe, God does not give us a list of things must do or not do to maintain our salvation. Instead He gives us his Spirit to transform us effortlessly from the inside out. Hebrews 10:14-18 Jeremiah 31:33-34 Jeremiah 32:40 Ezekiel 36:25-27 Titus
Grace From Beginning To End
Are you a do more, try harder Christian? Do you believe you HAVE to perform well in order to please your Heavenly Father? Listen to this podcast and be blessed to learn that your job is to "see Jesus only" and rest. Allow the Holy Spirit to perfect you
Ask God For Ears That Hear
Be careful how you hear the Word of God. Do not allow false teachers to put you back under the law. It is Grace that saves you and Grace that perfects you. Allow God to lead you deeper and deeper into His grace. Luke 8:4-18 Galatians 1:6-9 Galatians 2:15
Reap What Another Has Sown
Do you live in fear that your past sin will bring you punishment? Listen to this podcast and let the knowledge that your sin has already been punished in the body of Jesus bring peace to your heart. Hosea 8:7 Job 4:8 Proverbs 22:8 Exodus 20:5 Exodus 34:
Rest Assured In Your Salvation - Part 2
We finish our discussion from last week about the certainty of your salvation. John 10:22-30 1 John 2:18-25 Romans 8: 28– 39 Jude 24-25
Rest Assured In Your Salvation
Don't let a misunderstanding of Scripture rob you of the joy and confidence of your salvation in Christ. His work on the cross is finished and effective. There is nothing left for you to do. Rest in your righteousness. Hebrews 6:4-6 Matthew 10:1-4 Matth
Let His Grace Produce Fruit In You
The Purpose of the Law is to crush us and drive us to our knees in the realization that we need a savior. But it has no power to produce holiness. Thank God for His grace for it supplies us with His holiness and writes His law on our hearts. Luke 18:15-1
Let His Peace Swallow Up Your Anxious Striving
Spend time with Jesus and meditate on God's word to allow His peace to guard your heart and mind. Romans 1:7 1 Corinthians 1:3 Mark 4:35-41 John 14:25-27 John 16:25-33 Philippians 4:4-7 Matthew 11:28-30