Chasing Justice

Chasing Justice

August 28, 2019

Free speech is under attack ever day in modern America. If you have a thought, it had better be the right and politically correct thought or you will suffer the consequences.
Lt. Joe Takes us on an adventure through the land of make believe or as we know it- America 2019 where we have to pretend what we see is not what we see, or what we hear is not what we hear and if we don’t see and hear what the left demands we see and hear, we will be labeled a racist or an hater or some other nonsense.
We interview Michael Bluemling Jr. Congressional Candidate for the 21st congressional district in South Florida. Mike is patriot, a military veteran, and a man of compassion. And finally we talk to Yankee Doodle Keith from the neighborhood about an experience he had a work where he got “Liberaled” for having a conversation about American History without taking then politically correct point of view in his thoughts.