Changing the Story

Changing the Story

The Synesthesia Superpower. Artistic Intelligence with LJ Rich Technologist, music artist, inventor and NASA Datanaut

December 02, 2020
The Beatles covering today’s popular songs? Four chords that can evoke any emotion? Hear the story of LJ Rich, who is classically trained in music but likes to improvise as she taps into her superpower to transform music (with a little help from AI.)



LJ Rich

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Lj Rich is a Technologist, music artist, inventor and NASA Datanaut LJ Rich is well known for presenting on the BBC’s flagship technology show ‘Click’, though she’s also gathering notoriety talking about her synaesthesia – a mixing of the senses that gives her both super-powers and fatal flaws…

She sees colours when hearing music, and food tastes and textures map to musical keys. LJ was interviewed in The New York Times about her experiences as a synesthete and musician.

At the United Nations AI for Good Summit, LJ hosted and performed on two pianos and two computers to an audience of over 600 distinguished ministers, ambassadors, scientists and honoured guests.

Topics discussed in this


  • The artificial composer

  • The Beatles covering "Call Me Maybe"

  • The 4 chords

  • Can AI create art? It's about inspiration

  • We need "imperfections" for character

  • Demystifying an experience and connecting people

  • The synesthesia superpower

  • Being a NASA Datanaut

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