Champagne Sharks

Champagne Sharks

Preview of CS 035: The Woke In Review (10/07/2017) - Champagne Sharks

October 08, 2017

This is a preview of a bonus premium episode. Support the show and get double the episodes by subscribing to bonus episodes for $5/month at Also, remember to review and rate the podcast in Itunes:…d1242690393?mt=2.

Discussion of various topics in the news:

* The white feminist sports reporter whose racist tweets were discovered while she was trying to drag a black man for sexism:
* The white feminist who tried to make everyone ignore another white feminist's racism in favor of instead focusing on a black man's sexism:
* Black women hopping into the suspected racist white feminist's replies in order to solicit Black Girl Magic headpats from white liberals, here: and here:
* A summary of the Hugo Schwyzer debacle and the #SolidarityIsForWhiteWomen hashtag:
* Neely Fuller on Premature Celebration:
* "Trust Black Women" by Zerlina Maxwell
* A thread of me showing the Joan Walsh thread:
* The "Puve" tweet Mike mentions near the end:
* A thread I did where I discussed more nuanced formed of intersectional theory that don't get promoted online in social media:
* Frank Chin's concept of "Racist Love"
* Two overviews of the Karpman Drama Triangle: "Karpman Drama Triangle" http://pastormattrichard....