Champagne Sharks

CS 635: Try Hard pt 2 PREVIEW
This week we continue the conversation Trevor, Mario and Ken began in episode 633 on the current culture of deciding actions are not worth trying if it gets too difficult. Using LeBron and Drake as examples and focusing on the player commitment level in the NBA and in modern era hip-hop, the Sharks dive deep on why these people act the way they do.
This is part 2 of an extended conversation available for patreon members. Although it is not totally necessary, if you have note listened to episode 633: ‘Try Hard pt 1’ we suggest doing so first for a deeper context of the conversation.
This is a preview for a full patreon only episode. Become a paid subscriber for $5/month over at and get access to the whole archive of subscriber-only episodes, the Discord voice and chat server for patrons, detailed show notes for certain episodes, and our newsletter.
Co-produced & edited by Aaron C. Schroeder / Pierced Ears Recording Co, Seattle WA ( Opening theme composed by T. Beaulieu. Closing theme composed by Dustfingaz (