No Whoa In Winter: Tourism’s Importance and Impacts
Why is tourism important to Billings and southeastern Montana? What efforts are being made to attract travelers to these areas?
This ChamberCast episode answers these questions and more, shining a spotlight on tourism in Billings and the region of southeast Montana. From winter campaigns to trails and travel shows, Visit Billings and Visit Southeast Montana are working hard to attract travelers to visit and facilitate an enjoyable experience, benefitting Montana as a whole. Host Jack Jennaway is joined by Aly Eggart, Leisure Marketing, Sales and Social Media Manager for Visit Billings and Brenda Maas, Tourism Marketing Director for Visit Southeast Montana and Kelsi Gambill as co-host.
We invite you to learn more about these tourism organizations that are both managed by the Billings Chamber of Commerce:
Visit Billings
Visit Southeast Montana
Winter Attractions