The Dr. Chalmers Show- Insights to Wellness Podcast

The Dr. Chalmers Show- Insights to Wellness  Podcast

Dr Chalmers Path to Pro - Depression and Mental health

April 16, 2024

The link between physical health and mental well-being, focusing on testosterone levels, gut health, and exercise. Discusses how low testosterone and gut disturbances can contribute to depression, emphasizing the importance of addressing these issues. The positive impact of exercise on mood regulation and offers practical advice for improving mental health.

Highlights of the Podcast

00:19 - The body talks to the brain

01:32 - The women's levels are wrong

02:53 - The adrenals rely on a lot of information

06:35 - The cerebellum

08:57 - The problem with doing at the end of the day

09:35 - Get your testosterone levels up

10:27 - Depression stuff
