The Dr. Chalmers Show

The Dr. Chalmers Show

Dr Chalmers Path to Pro - Recovery

April 01, 2024

The crucial role of recovery in achieving fitness goals, emphasizes the significance of oxygenation, hydration, nutrition, sleep, and supplementation. The benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy, proper breathing techniques, and the importance of nutrients like collagen and antioxidants in facilitating muscle growth and overall well-being. The impact of vaccines on respiratory function suggests considerations for optimizing recovery, including consistent sleep patterns and exploring peptides for enhanced anti-aging effects.

Highlight of the Podcast

00:25 - Calories in, calories out 

01:19 - What happens with hyperbaric

01:55 - The red blood cells carry the oxygen 

03:42 - The lungs to move 

04:28 - The Covid vaccine 

05:28 - The college and I'm taking it for two reasons 

06:27 - A lot of fats 

07:32 - The small pieces that are called 

08:35 - The liquid iodine 

09:19 - The easy way on sleep is at a bad time 

10:16 - The muscle growth happens for all the health