A Study In Everything

A Study In Everything

Latest Episodes

Why is God so Distant?
February 02, 2024

This week, our sermon is titled "The Art of Friendship". Pastor Tanner shares about the Art of Friendship, and how that translates to our relationship with Jesus. If you've ever struggled in your walk with Jesus then this episode is for you! God Bless! 

Q&A Panel: Dating and Relationships
January 24, 2024

In this episode, we have a panel made up of Pastor Tanner Sherlock, Pastor Courtney Sherlock, and Jordan Raben. We dive into some submitted questions about dating and relationships, and get to the nitty gritty of how followers of Christ should approach th

Winter Conference Gifts of the Holy Spirit Breakout
January 18, 2024

This is the audio file from my breakout at our recent Winter Conference. Pastor Tanner breaks down what the spiritual empowered gifts are, and how to walk in them. (Also, I apologize for the weird noise in this, I'm not sure what was causing it)

How to be Content in Any Season
November 08, 2023

Join us today as Pastor Tanner wraps up his sermon series in Philippians! Today we look at being content. What does that look like, and how can I achieve it?

Not Today Satan
October 31, 2023

Today we talk about Halloween. As Christians should we fear Halloween? Should we fully participate? Or is our response somewhere in the middle?

What is the Law of Christ?
October 25, 2023

This week Pastor Sherlock continues his sermon series on Philippians. As we cross reference what Paul is telling the church in Philippi with other scripture we begin to see a clearer picture of what the Law of Christ applied to the Church looks like. 

How to Impact the World Around You
October 11, 2023

We can impact the world around us when our perspective is correct, but how? This week Pastor Tanner continues his series on Philippians, and answers this question. We pray this message blesses you! God Bless. 

A New Attitude
October 05, 2023

This week we continue our sermon series on Philippians. Pastor Tanner breaks down how our perspective and our attitude affects more than just our minds in the moment, and when we shift that attidude, it can absolutely transform our worlds. 

Jack’s Story
September 28, 2023

This week we get to hear from Small Group Leader Jack. How God has radically changed his life, and what that means for us.

Humility - How our attitude affects our perspective
September 20, 2023

Join us as we continue our sermon series "Perspective" As we walk through the book of Philippians. This week we are learning how to grow in humility based on how Paul is advising the church in Philippi to act. Sermon by Pastor Tanner Sherlock