CFStrong: Inform. Educate. Empower.

CFStrong: Inform. Educate. Empower.

Podcast: CFPhysio on exploring the huff

July 07, 2022

CFPhysio on exploring the huff
This episode of the CFStrong podcast is thanks to our collaboration with CFPhysio. Sit down with experts in their field, Dr Brenda Button, Kathleen Hall, and Esta Tannenbaum, physiotherapists who have worked with individuals with CF across the lifespan, and learn more about huffing. This technique is integral to all airway clearance in CF. Understanding more about what is being achieved in the airways when performing this technique will empower you to develop a huff that works for your airways. This is suitable for healthcare professionals and individuals with CF.

”The ears are, as physio's, our most valuable tool, but they also need to be the individual with CF or the parent and caregiver’s most valuable tool when they're not in clinic with us and knowing what they need to be listening for. Jen, CFPhysio

Jen Hauser: Hello, and welcome to the and CFStrong collaboration podcast series. My name is Jen Hauser. I'm a physiotherapist with almost 20 years’ experience in cystic fibrosis care and the project lead for Together with CFStrong, we have joined forces to bring to the CF community real life insights and personal experiences on all things physiotherapy and CF. is a not-for-profit organisation. Striving to deliver evidence-based education in CF physiotherapy management to healthcare workers and individuals impacted by CF. CFStrong is a website designed to inform, educate, and empower adults impacted by CF through the sharing of individual's personal journeys of living with CF.  
We hope you find some value from listening to the podcasts we bring to you in this series. Please remember the content is not intended to replace your usual healthcare. Please discuss any concerns or questions you may have with your healthcare team. 
Jen: Today I have three physiotherapists in the studio with me to have a chat about the huff, the forced expiratory technique, and how we can use this technique to change the airflow in the airways to more effectively shift secretions, to check in with your lungs and to sweep the airways surfaces.  
I'd like to introduce Dr. Brenda Button, a physiotherapist who has had three decades of experience working across the lifespan in cystic fibrosis. Brenda is currently working at the Alfred Hospital in Melbourne Australia. Brenda has areas of interest in research and clinical expertise, including gastroesophageal reflux, urinary stressing incontinence, exercise testing, and more. Brenda is an advanced airway clearance instructor recognised internationally for her work.  
We also have Kathleen Hall, a physiotherapist with over 20 years' experience working with adults with CF and non-CF bronchiectasis. Kathleen is also a senior lecturer in cardiothoracic physiotherapy at the Australian Catholic University, and also has a bespoke private practice catering for non-CF bronchiectasis and disordered, dysfunctional breathing. 
We have Esther Tannenbaum, a physiotherapist who has worked for over 25 years in the area of respiratory pediatrics, which has included working at children's hospitals in Cape Town, London, and is currently working at the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne. Esther's main areas of interest has been CF, PCD, bronchiectasis, and acute respiratory disorders.  
What a great opportunity for those in the CF community, individuals with CF, parents and care givers and healthcare professionals to have these three experts in the studio today, and really looking forward guys to hearing some audio of huff techniques and listening to what you can share with us. 
Brenda Button: Thank you very much, Jen, for your introduction of all of us. I'm going to kick off by trying to describe to you what the airways look like and what happens when we do huffing from low, mid and high lung volumes.  
So, imagine a piece of blank paper in a horizontal posit...