CFStrong: Inform. Educate. Empower.

CFStrong: Inform. Educate. Empower.

Podcast: Amanda on why asking for help makes you strong

February 15, 2022

Amanda on why asking for help makes you strong
In this episode of the CFStrong podcast we hear from Amanda about her experience living with CF. Amanda discusses what she is most proud of, the importance of the CF community and the challenges of losing friends with CF. She talks about the value of being ok with not being ok and why you should ask for help when you need it.
This is the second episode of our two-episode chat with Amanda.

“…the help is there. But you've got to ask, and it's not—you don't look weak, you don't look sick, if you ask for it. You actually look strong, you know, and… I find myself so proud of myself when I have put up my hand and say, hey, I need help. You know, that's something that I, I struggle with, I still do. But I'm proud when I do it. And I think that's you know, that's massive.”

Voiceover: This is the second episode of our two-episode chat with Amanda. If you haven't already listened to the first episode, we encourage you to go back and do so before jumping into this one. 
Deidre Gorrie: Hi everyone and welcome to the CF strong podcast. My name is Deidre Gorrie, and I'm the programs and support services manager for cystic fibrosis community care in New South Wales. I am in the incredibly fortunate position of being able to chat with some of the most amazing adults living with cystic fibrosis from around Australia for the CF strong podcast series. The CF strong podcast series covers a broad range of topics including the challenges and successes of those living with cystic fibrosis, where you will hear real firsthand experiences and stories.  
Deidre: Hi, everyone, today we are very fortunate to have Amanda joining us. Amanda is going to chat with us and share a glimpse into her life. Welcome to CFStrong Amanda, would you like to say a few words to introduce yourself to our lovely listeners today? 
Amanda: Thank you so much, Deirdre. Thanks for having me on, I’m really excited. My name is Amanda. I am based in Brisbane, Queensland. I'm 28 currently when we're doing this. I have cystic fibrosis, obviously. And I work in the mining industry. But I also play AFL as well. So that's my, my big out from work. I've been working full time since I was 18 and came out of high school. 
Deidre: What would you say has been your proudest achievements so far, Amanda? And what's the next thing that you're hoping to take off this list, out of all the things you've done to date, like what is something that's that's up there that you're really looking forward to doing? 
Amanda: Oh, my proudest achievement? That's actually a really tough question, Deidre. Because-- 
Deidre: Yeah, you're welcome. 
Amanda: I am so proud of, from where I've come from, to where I am now. I am so proud of that. And that's just in my life, in my health, in general. Becoming who I am, like actually growing into somebody who I'm proud to be was, is probably my, you know, it's so hard. There's so many good ones. You know, we can talk all day. 
Deidre: Yeah, I know, I know--we could talk all day.  
Amanda: We would be here all day.  
Deidre: So that'll be our next podcast. 
Amanda: Do you know what my proudest achievements I reckon, thinking back now. I lost one of my very, very good friends who I grew up with quite a few years ago now. And he was the third one in about a span of about five months, you know, that had CF-- 
Deidre: Yeah. 
Amanda: --that I'd lost. And that one was probably the hardest because we actually grew up together. Our parents did a lot of work with CF Queensland, and we grew up together. And you know, even though he was always a little bit older, and we sort of crossed paths occasionally and hospital and that kind of thing, losing him as the third person, in, you know,