CFStrong: Inform. Educate. Empower.

CFStrong: Inform. Educate. Empower.

Podcast: Amanda on kicking goals and the value of strong support networks

February 15, 2022

Amanda on kicking goals and the value of strong support networks: part one
In this episode of the CFStrong podcast we hear from Amanda about her experience growing up with CF, the importance of her support network and—literally—kicking goals. Amanda discusses playing contact sport, how she dealt with her health taking her away from the sport she loved and her decision to get back on the football field. This is the first episode of our two-episode chat with Amanda.

“…as I was growing up, I kind of found that they were the reason why you got through the hospital admissions, or you got through the bad days was purely to have that support system. I have an amazing one. Absolutely amazing, even being 28 and working as hard as what I do, I have some amazing people in my life.”  

Image: Jillo Foreman.

Deidre Gorrie: Hi everyone and welcome to the CFStrong podcast. My name is Deidre Gorrie and I'm the programs and support services manager for Cystic Fibrosis Community Care in New South Wales. I am in the incredibly fortunate position of being able to chat with some of the most amazing adults living with cystic fibrosis from around Australia for the CFStrong podcast series. The CFStrong podcast series covers a broad range of topics including the challenges and successes of those living with cystic fibrosis, where you will hear real firsthand experiences and stories.  
Deidre: Hi everyone, today we are very fortunate to have Amanda joining us. Amanda is going to chat with us and share a glimpse into her life. Welcome to CFStrong. Amanda, would you like to say a few words to introduce yourself to our lovely listeners today. 
Amanda: Thank you so much, Deirdre. Thanks for having me on, I'm really excited. My name is Amanda. I am based in Brisbane, Queensland. I'm 28 currently when we're doing this. I have cystic fibrosis, obviously. And I work in the mining industry. But I also play AFL as well. So that's my, my big out from work. I've been working full time since I was 18 and came out of high school. Yeah, that's a bit about me. I guess there's not much to it. 
Deidre: I think there is, I think there's a lot to it Amanda. I think you've done a good little intro taster. And we'll just peel back some of those layers and find out a little bit more about your work. And I think we've coined the term today working in mining and kicking goals as our general umbrella term. So, we'll dive on, and we'll see exactly what that looks like. So, are you ready for me to kick on into the first question, Amanda?  
Amanda: Yeah, let's go for it.  
Deidre: Yeah. All right. Let's start by learning a little bit about your support system, because we all know that supports really are a fantastic resource, irrespective of whether it's in the in the hospital environment or in the home environment. And who has been some of these supports and how they helped you throughout your life to get to where you are today? 
Amanda: Yeah, it's a really great question. I think for me, as I was growing up, I kind of found that they were the reason why you got through the hospital admissions, or you got through the bad days was purely to have that support system. I have an amazing one. Absolutely amazing, even being 28 and working as hard as what I do, I have some amazing people in my life.  
Growing up, my mum and my dad both worked full time, worked very hard to make sure that my health was top priority, but also remembering that I have a brother who's two years older. And when my mom and dad went there, my Nan and my Pa jumped in, and we're certainly number ones, when mum and dad weren't there.