CFStrong: Inform. Educate. Empower.

CFStrong: Inform. Educate. Empower.

TRANSITION | How to navigate vaping and CF

February 04, 2024

In this engaging episode of the CF Strong podcast, co-host Brad Dryburgh delves into the unique perspectives of six guests, as they discuss vaping and how it intersects with the challenges of cystic fibrosis.
The candid conversations reveal a spectrum of attitudes towards vaping, from relaxed approaches to strict stances against it.
The guests share personal struggles, experiences with peer pressure, and the complexities of dealing with vaping in social settings. As Brad aptly guides the discussion, the episode sheds light on the invisible struggles faced by those with cystic fibrosis and the delicate balance required to navigate decisions around vaping.
Tune in to the Podcast to hear first-person stories, gain insights and discover coping strategies.
For more info on vaping and CF, you can also listen to this podcast episode featuring a health professional's insights and perspective.

Voiceover: Welcome to the CFStrong Podcast. CFStrong covers the successes and challenges faced by those living with cystic fibrosis. You'll hear first-person stories, and conversations with health professionals, friends and partners. Just a heads up, guests may share their personal views about treatments and health management, but please remember, this is not medical advice and you should always follow the advice of your clinic team regarding your health. 
Brad: Gday everyone and welcome to this incredibly exciting new season of the CF Strong Podcast. I'm your host and fellow CF patient Bradley Drybar. And as a 20-something-year-old living with cystic fibrosis, I know that this decade of our life is not only challenging but rather it comes with some big questions we ask of ourselves. I've taken the time to sit down with six guests who like me, are all in their twenties living with cystic fibrosis as they share their honest and unique perspectives on 10 big questions across 10 separate episodes. I'll ask one question of all six of our guests in this particular order. You can expect to hear answers from Adam, Blake, Caitlin, Ellie, Sam, and Taylor. In this second episode of our series, we'll hear from each of our six guests as they answer their personal thoughts and take on vaping with cystic fibrosis and how they feel when those they know vape around them.
Adam: So in a nutshell, um, I usually don't really care if people vape. I won't vape myself because I know how harmful it is, but for the most part, I'm not really bothered if other people do it. Um, and especially around me, maybe I should be a little bit more confronting, a little bit more, uh, upfront about it to people, but I, I honestly, it's not really something I can concern myself with. 
Blake: Yeah, well, um, yeah, well, I sort of, a lot of my mates do it and, you know, I'm not gonna be, I, I refuse to be one of those people that just like sits in a car and just go and just like sort of tell people what to do just because I've got cf. But, um, I guess in terms of people who do have CF and you know, obviously on a night out you get randoms offering you or vape or you know, whatever, if you're at a nightclub or a bar or anything like that, um, I'm a pretty hard no on it. I think, uh, you know, I, I equate it to, you know, if you had a really bad liver, why would you keep drinking? You know, just, just sort of stuff like that. I don't really see the point of chucking any more stuff in your lungs that doesn't need to be there. So I'm a pretty hard no, but, um, but yeah, I do know a couple of people who, who have CF who, uh, you know, maybe dabble, dabble here and there. Um, but yeah, I'm a very hard no on it, I think.
Caitlin: I'll be honest, I do have friends and family members that vape, so it is around me. Um, I'm very lucky that the people who do it do it not near me. Um, I think peer pressure is a very real thing and unfortunately, some people succumb to it and, um,
