Canada Foundation for Innovation

10,000 ways | How neuroendocrinology crosses sectors to create promising new insights
(This podcast is only available in French)
Nafissa Ismail focuses on the effects of hormones on the brain to pin down the interactions between our organs and our emotions
Epidemiological data shows that the roots of depression form during puberty or adolescence for 75 percent of adults experiencing it.
Nafissa Ismail is a professor at the University of Ottawa's School of Psychology and a leading figure in mental health research.
Her work is making a significant contribution toward understanding the causes of mental disorders and how to treat them.
Want to know more?
- Visit the websites of the NISE Laboratory (neuroimmunology, stress and endocrinology) and the LIFE Research Institute . Nafissa Ismail is director of both.
- Nafissa Ismail received the Governor General's Award for her research on women's health .
- Get mental health support : this Government of Canada site tells you how to find help.