Canada Foundation for Innovation

Canada Foundation for Innovation

10,000 Ways | Reinforcing the reliability of our vulnerable electricity grid

September 14, 2023

This podcast is about curious researchers, leading-edge science and the joys of discovery.

York University’s Pirathayini Srikantha studies power grid systems with the aim of keeping Canada’s infrastructure safe from fluctuations and hackers. Find out why she’s passionate about power.

Our power grid is vulnerable. For one thing, it’s aging. For another, it’s prone to hackers. In the meantime, climate change means we need to find ways to integrate renewable energy sources that are intermittent with the shining sun or blowing wind. To avoid the crippling cost of replacing this infrastructure, jurisdictions must find ways to adapt. Pirathayini Srikantha, from York University’s, Lassonde School of Engineering, is an award-winning engineer who is confronting these multiple challenges. 

Want to know more? 

York University bio for Pirathayini Srikantha 

Ontario Professional Engineering Awards 2022 – Pirathayini Srikantha, P. Eng. (Engineering Medal – Young Engineer 

Electricity Canada – The Grid 

Effects of Externally Mediated Rewards On Intrisic Motivation – Edward L. Deci 1971 

The Motivation Paradox: Why Is A Carrot-and-Stick Approach Contra-productive – Igor Petrikovic 2013 

Commencement address delivered by the late Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and Pixar Animation Studios on June 12, 2005